Little Nachman

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Little Nachman Part 1

Even as a small child, little Nachman loved Hashem with all his heart. He loved everything that was connected with serving Hashem, such as emuna – the pure and solid faith...

Little Nachman Part 2

One day, little Nachman heard that the Chassidim were planning a trip to the great tzaddik of that generation, Rebbe Yaakov Yosef of Pollnoi. Although he was only five years old...

Little Nachman Part 7

Nachman always wanted a good friend to serve Hashem with. He thought about how pleasant learning and praying could be together with someone else. Also, a good friend could...

Little Nachman Part 8

Little Nachman didn't say a word. No one should ever speak with disrespect to a parent, he thought; that's a terrible sin. A son must be courteous and polite, and heed...

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