Terry W. Hayes

Terry W. Hayes

6 Articles

The Noahide Struggle

Noahides struggle when leaving a formal religion with rites, liturgy, and religious holidays to a path that has no formal religious worship or holidays. How can Noahides fill that sense of emptiness with spirituality? 

Noahide Challenges and Joys

When the Creator directed me to the 7 Noahide Laws instead of conversion, one of the first things I prayed to Him was, "I can do this!" A relief and an excitement came over me…

Life is a Classroom

Every area that touches the life of Bnei Noach becomes a teachable moment; we get to learn and practice everything the Creator has taught through His Seven Commandments…

Bakin’ Biscuits

Waiting can be a hard thing to do, but part of the lesson of cooking is waiting for the results. In the fast-food society we live in, we can be robbed of the benefits of waiting…

The Trekkie

On the famed star-ship are a mixed crew from many different nationalities and a half-breed alien. All of the different people are working together to accomplish the same goal…

Why I Chose the Noahide Laws

It's a deep jump from 7 commandments to 613. Terry, a church pastor, discovered real emuna. After beginning the conversion process, he took serious stock of the gain and loss…