Kalever Rebbe

Kalever Rebbe

184 Articles

The Russian Decree

In recent days, the bodies of the two Bibas children who were viciously murdered in Gaza were returned to Eretz Yisrael. What could these beautiful, pure souls have done to deserve such an end? The Kalever Rebbe explains how we can see Hashem’s compassion in such horrors. 

See Hashem in His Torah!

How amazing that we can read the same Torah portions year after year and still learn something new each time! With each reading, we get a deeper understanding of Hashem's ways...

Don’t Be A Fool!

Often it happens that when a person begins to do teshuvah, his life becomes very difficult. Problems seem to appear from nowhere! Why should such things happen to a person who is trying to come closer to Hashem?! The Kalever Rebbe explains the ultimate blessing in these tests...

We Are Not Monkeys!

The difference between observant and secular Jews is very apparent when you look at the relationship between parents and children. Aging parents can easily be seen as a “burden” and “behind the times”. The Torah approach can be seen from Yosef’s attention to his father Yaakov... 

Chanukah – Wisdom versus Torah

Shouldn’t progress in science, education, and equal rights promote a peaceful and harmonious society? Yet, we often see just the opposite! The Kalever Rebbe explains the advantage and beauty of Torah wisdom over secular wisdom. 

Do You Really Gain?

Want something that’s not yours? The Kalever Rebbe explains that if it’s coming to you, Hashem will arrange you to receive it in a permitted way so that you can enjoy it within the boundaries of Jewish law.

Do Good

The environment exerts a powerful influence in many areas of one’s life. How can a person protect himself from the negative effects of his surroundings? 

A Worthy Investment

In Jewish education and outreach, every effort matters, and you cannot imagine the profound everlasting impact these efforts can have on generations! May this idea encourage parents, teachers, and those who invest in Jewish education and outreach. 

Women of Strength

Is stubbornness a good trait or not? It depends... The Kalever Rebbe describes how the stubbornness of Jewish women in Egypt brought about their redemption. May it be so for us as well!

Fight! Fight! Fight!

Never give up in your struggle to find success in serving Hashem! Encourage yourself and keep trying. Eventually, you'll grow to new heights.