Holiness for Men and Women

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Proud of One’s Jewish Heritage

When a lie is repeated often in public and with a sense of pride, conviction, and confidence, people begin to accept that lie as a truth. The Kalever Rebbe explains how a hedonistic culture successfully uses this strategy to erode Jewish values.

It’s a Wrap

How can a woman get to the point where she is willing to cover her hair? She faces such opposition from within and without. Read the true story of one woman’s amazing journey.

Iron Swords

We see today how much the nations of the world hate the Jewish People. Yaakov Avinu gives excellent advice on how to succeed against our strongest enemies.

Peace in the Holy Land

Personal holiness and personal protection – how can the former bring about the latter? The Kalever Rebbe explains that only through personal holiness can one live in Eretz Yisroel in peace and tranquility. It provides the merit to protect one from all enemies.

Crown of Royalty

In the past, nations - especially the daughters of royalty - cherished the trait of modesty. They honored modesty and realized that it represented self-respect. Similarly, Jewish women wear the crown of royalty (modesty). 

Defeating False Philosophies

The lesson of Chanukah is the rejection of non-Jewish values and norms. How can we take that lesson with us throughout the year? The Kalever Rebbe gives important advice...

Building a New World 

It often seems that society is so sick, so lost, so corrupt that there is no chance of rehabilitation. But is that really so? Rabbi Arush offers a solution to heal our society. 

Poisoned Lemonade

Is there a problem of accepting immoral behavior, especially if the behavior is legally sanctioned? YES! It's like quenching your thirst with fresh, cold lemonade...laced with poison.

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