Featured Articles

The Kitchen Miracle 

When G-d wants to help you, He will open the earth beneath you and hold you above the abyss to get your attention. As soon as you start listening, He sends His miracles. This is my story of His deliverance...

Brit and Bond

Many people think that to rectify and atone for past sins they need to be sad. The opposite is true:  The first thing a person must do in seeking personal holiness is to work on being happy and optimistic at all times. 

Latest Articles

The Kitchen Miracle 

When G-d wants to help you, He will open the earth beneath you and hold you above the abyss to get your attention. As soon as you start listening, He sends His miracles. This is my story of His deliverance...

See Hashem in His Torah!

How amazing that we can read the same Torah portions year after year and still learn something new each time! With each reading, we get a deeper understanding of Hashem's ways...

When Everything Seems Stuck

Today there are yeshivas and kollels in a vibrant Jewish world. There are many baalei teshuva  and people who are increasing their mitzvah observance – but where is the GeulaWhat more can we do to witness the Geula? What’s missing? 

Rabbi Shalom Arush

Rabbi Shalom Arush

It’s Unwise to Consider Yourself Wise
6 min

How is it possible that the Jews in Egypt saw eight plagues that decimated the Egyptians (but left them unharmed) and yet believed in idolatry and in their own wisdom? Today isn’t so different – Rabbi Arush explains...

When Everything Seems Stuck
6 min

Today there are yeshivas and kollels in a vibrant Jewish world. There are many baalei teshuva  and people who are increasing their mitzvah observance – but where is the GeulaWhat more can we do to witness the Geula? What’s missing? 

A Matter of Time 
6 min

The worst transgression in the Torah is that a person can live 70-80 years and not know that he has a Father in Heaven Who loves him like a son! Our teshuvah and redemption depend on internalizing this.