Fear of Heaven Rabbi Yaakov Hertzberg 4 min Does fear of Heaven mean that we have to be afraid of our Creator? If so, who can stand the discomfort of being constantly afraid?
Look to the Future Rabbi Yaakov Hertzberg 3 min There is no doubt that if a boxer would stop to mope over every blow he suffered, instead of continuing the fight, he would lose the match...
The Best Advice Rabbi Yaakov Hertzberg 3 min Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a close, faithful friend who could provide us with the best possible advice whenever we would need it?
Avoiding Jealousy Rabbi Yaakov Hertzberg 6 min Jealousy is the main cause of evil. The Primordial Snake evoked Adam and Chava’s jealousy, as it says, “For God knows that on the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened...
Food for Thought Rabbi Yaakov Hertzberg 3 min In short: If you want to eat you have to work. No work –no food. Could there be anything more logical than that?