A negative spiritual force (klippa) wants you to be hard on yourself, so you’ll adopt all kinds of stringencies; that’s only evil’s ploy to try and rob you of your joy…
One who speaks detrimentally about tzadikkim and upright people not only causes damage to himself, but brings tragedy on the entire Jewish people, Heaven forbid…
In elaborating on the episode of the wayward wife, Rebbe Natan explains that non-Torah ideologies can lead to a spirit of folly that leads to sexual misdemeanor…
Since the Cohanim have more mitzvoth requiring a greater level of holiness than the rest of the nation, they attain greater wealth than the rest of the nation…
When a G-d-fearing person drinks wine, his heart is awakened with a vigorous yearning for Hashem. When one drinks for the sake of the mitzva, wine gladdens the heart…
A man of faith believes in God and has a very good life. When trouble strikes, his faith still inspires him. He trusts in God and knows that everything is for the best.
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