Feige the Prophetess
Date of passing: 19-Adar. Rebbe Nachman honored the women of his family. Due to his mother's great spiritual merits, the Rebbe asked that we refer to him as “Nachman Ben Feige.”
Rabbi Dovid Sears
Date of passing: 19-Adar. Rebbe Nachman honored the women of his family. Due to his mother's great spiritual merits, the Rebbe asked that we refer to him as “Nachman Ben Feige.”
Sometimes it takes years for a person to realize the profound influence that Rosh Hashanah in Uman has for his service of Hashem and for his understanding of Rebbe Nachman's teachings.
One of the most eloquent symbols of this "universalism through particularism" is the Menorah. Above all, it is a symbol of Divine wisdom; as such, it is also a symbol of unity...
Rebbe Nachman especially loved his daughter Sarki (nickname for Sarah), whom he called a “myrtle in the wilderness with a pleasant fragrance.”
Rebbe Nachman admired the unique spiritual talents and sensitivities of women, making sure that his daughters were well educated in various areas of Torah.
Breslev Chassidut has a number of customs for the month of Elul.
Rebbe Nachman stated that giving tzedakah brings a spirit of peace and love into the world in abundant measure. What are Breslev customs regarding tzedakah?
It was customary in Uman to recite "Adon Olam" and the Shesh Zekhirot (Six Remembrances) every day after Shacharit...
What are the Breslev customs during the Aseret Yemei teshuvah?
Rebbe Nachman states that the mikveh is a "cure for all troubles" and that it can purify one from every type of sin and impurity. He adds...
Rebbe Nachman once declared: "…My entire mission is Rosh Hashanah." He was particularly emphatic about his...
Someone once asked Rabbi Avraham Sternhartz, “Why do you trouble yourself to carry such a heavy burden when you could leave it in shul?” Rabbi Avraham Sternhartz replied...