On that particular night, there was a secret meeting of select people at the beit medrash (study hall) of the “Chachmeigh Kloiz of Brody.” In this same study hall...
Rabbi Cohn - Stories from the Baal Shem Tov
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Without a thought, Reb Dovid took off his gartel, stretched it out, and seemingly danced on it as he crossed the raging river...
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Vayakhel: Iyov’s Penny
A line of people wound its way from the door of the holy Baal Shem Tov’s office. Many stood in line to seek advice and blessings from the holy tzaddik...
Tetzaveh: The Man Who Thought He Was God
Later, when Lord Elokim, the master of the castle, returned, his servants ran to him and said, "Lord Elokim, a Rabbi has come to visit. He is waiting for you in the library."
Tetzaveh: Eating for Atonement
The women rushed to prepare the meat broth while the men stood around the sick man’s bed saying Tehillim (Psalms). Almost everyone, except for the doctor, felt relieved because...
Terumah: A Pinch of Snuff
Once, a poor man came with a group of beggars to collect charity at the shul of the Baal Shem Tov. The shammos (caretaker) of the shul gave each beggar a few coins...
Mishpatim: Reincarnation
Suddenly, in a dream-like vision, Rabbi Dov Ber saw a handsome prince and a female friend come to a river for a picnic and a swim. The only other person there was a border guard...
Yitro: The Stocking Maker
The host looked out the window at the man as he continued walking down the road. "Oh, that's just Reb Dovid, the stocking maker...
Beshalach: 100 Questions
I asked myself; perhaps this man is not human? How could a person achieve such holy power? Had he perhaps fallen from Heaven?
Bo: The First Revelation
The Rabbi took the Baal Shem Tov aside and asked him, “Who are you? Please tell me the truth.” The Baal Shem Tov disclosed to the Rav that in fact he was a holy man...
Pekudei: A Heavenly Teacher
I was born in the village of Okup in the year 5458. When I was five years old I was orphaned from my father and mother, of blessed memory. The community...
Pekudei: The Redemption of Sparks
In any case, the Baal Shem Tov arrived a few days before Shabbat. He immediately met with Rabbi Yaakov Yosef (whom he affectionately called Yossele) and they...
Vayera: The Inhospitable Rabbi
The rabbi prided himself on his meticulous attention to religious law and painstaking efforts to avoid mistakes. Yet, he was a fierce opponent of the Baal Shem Tov…
Shoftim: A Jewish King
Although, the people of this country were seriously considering appointing this man as King, they still hadn't met him...
Behar-Bechukotai: The Professor
“Reb Yid, please don’t worry. We are not afraid. May we spend the holy Shabbat with you? I promise that nothing will happen to you or us over the holy Shabbat.”
Vayera: The Meaning of Hospitality
The love and joy in which Rabbi Eliezer and his wife Sarah carried out the mitzvah of extending hospitality to those in need did not go unnoticed...
Nitzavim-Vayelech: Imperfect Truth and Perfect Faith
There are two paths in the service of the Creator — the first path is the righteous service of tzaddikim, and the second path is the contrite service of baal teshuvah...
Vayakhel: The Holiness of a Shabbat Gathering
After completing Havdalah (a brief service at the conclusion of Shabbat that separates Shabbat from the weekdays), two of the leading rabbis of the Brody community...