The Midrash says that when God decided to give the Torah to the Jews, all of the mountains in the desert...
Bnai Yaacov
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Do we really think about the receiving the Torah? We’ve got other problems - debts, health problems, pressure at work, dealing with the kids…
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Parshat Shirah and Tu B’Shvat
What's the connection among Parashat Beshalach, Parshat Shirah, Tu B'Shvat, and Shovavim? RENEWAL! We are in a time of renewal for trees and for every Jew.
Terumah: The Garden of the Good Life
Its beauty cannot be expressed in a poem or captured in any picture; all the tastes, fragrances and sights in the world can be found in this wondrous garden...
Mishpatim: Holy Man
(Shemot 21:1-24:18) - "And you shall be holy men to Me" (Shemot 22:30) - Why is it written "holy men to Me" instead of "holy to Me"?
Beshalach: The Merit of the Righteous
What were their weapons? The remains of Yosef! A righteous person is a shield for his people, and the "righteous are even greater in death than in life."
Korach: Blinded by Self-Interest
Korach convinced himself, like many self-serving politicians today, that his personal benefit was also the best for the people, so he challenged the rule of Moses...
Miketz: Sharing the Dream
Someone who does not share in the dream will find it difficult to identify with the dreamer or even to recognize affinity with him...
Vayera: The Ego Trap
The more arrogant and prideful a person is, the less likely it is that he or she will allow reality to alter preconceived ideas and policies...
Mishpatim: Nowhere to Hide
If the Torah tells the lowest individual - the slave – how to govern his affairs, then the Torah has some great advice for the rest of us, too.
Noach: Staying Afloat
What makes life such a stormy sea are the turbulent waters of heresy and defeat. One needs a strong emotional and spiritual sea craft to stay afloat…
Bereishit: Where Are You?
But by asking him where he is, Hashem is giving Adam an opportunity to slow down, assess himself, and clarify the point of truth in his mind. Hashem already knows the answer…
Divine Representation
What does it mean to serve Hashem, love Him and walk in His ways? These are all Torah commandments, but they seem to be slipping through our fingers…
Korach: Arrogance or Humility?
Korach was a brilliant person to whom wisdom, wealth and achievement came easily. He believed it was due to his own prowess…
Lech Lecha: My Lech–Lecha Moment
Like the runner who rises to emotional heights each time he feels a cramp and keeps on moving, the person of faith becomes ecstatic every time something difficult happens…
Bereishit: Eclipse, Intellect and Emuna
Parshat Breishit: How was the recent total eclipse of the sun an indication that the Geula is fast on the way and that emuna will soon spread all over the world?
Bereishit: Intellect and Emuna
Parshat Breishit - The more Torah a person learns, the stronger his emuna becomes and the more his intellect is enhanced with holiness, uplifting him even more...
Vayigash: The Conversation
Parshat Vayigash: The commentators tell us that Yosef did not continue studying Torah with his father after that meeting. What prevented him?