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Were you happy on Purim? Don’t think it’s behind you. We are looking forward to more simcha and even more simcha, to good tidings and Geula and miracles for all Jews!
Rabbi Shalom Arush
Were you happy on Purim? Don’t think it’s behind you. We are looking forward to more simcha and even more simcha, to good tidings and Geula and miracles for all Jews!
No one falls so low in one day. The child goes through a process. Initially, the child seems fine, causing the parents to ignore small signs ... until everything blows up in their face. The Jewish people too, have ignored early warning signs with disastrous results.
Congratulations! You’ve just won the jackpot!! Read on to see how to cash in your valuable prize...
Parents, do you want your children to be good, to do good for others, and to light up the world with goodness and blessing and life and holiness? Read on for the secret of the Mishkan (Tabernacle) and the secret of all child education!
Parents, everything begins with your belief in yourselves! Do not forget that you are tzaddikim and that Hashem loves you and is proud of you and appreciates you! This is what you should pass on to your children, thus giving them the ability to keep all the Torah and mitzvot and be good and truly succeed in life.
How is it possible that the Jews in Egypt saw eight plagues that decimated the Egyptians (but left them unharmed) and yet believed in idolatry and in their own wisdom? Today isn’t so different – Rabbi Arush explains...
Today there are yeshivas and kollels in a vibrant Jewish world. There are many baalei teshuva and people who are increasing their mitzvah observance – but where is the Geula? What more can we do to witness the Geula? What’s missing?
The worst transgression in the Torah is that a person can live 70-80 years and not know that he has a Father in Heaven Who loves him like a son! Our teshuvah and redemption depend on internalizing this.
A Jew is sure that Hashem is a good Father and does only good, but everything is going badly. Where are the miracles? Where are the salvations? It's not a question - it's a scream!
Rabbi Arush's message for everyone: Even if your life looks like a nightmare, go to Hashem and say: “You love me and do only good for me, and I will have even better and better”. You will see how all harsh judgments sweeten.
Knowing that Hashem always loves you is the basis of everything – from your feelings of self-worth all the way to your bitul to the tzaddik. Your spiritual growth depends on believing how dear you are to Hashem, and that Hashem’s love for you is never endangered.
What is common to a woman having complications during birth, a motorcycle rider with a dead motorcycle, and a parent sitting in the principal’s office? Answer: They all sang and were saved! Read some true stories of emuna, hope, and salvation!