Rabbi Shalom Arush

Rabbi Shalom Arush

1010 Articles

To Bring About the Geula

A Jew is sure that Hashem is a good Father and does only good, but everything is going badly. Where are the miracles? Where are the salvations? It's not a question - it's a scream!

Turning Darkness into Light

Rabbi Arush's message for everyone: Even if your life looks like a nightmare, go to Hashem and say: “You love me and do only good for me, and I will have even better and better”. You will see how all harsh judgments sweeten. 

The Ability to Admit Mistakes

Knowing that Hashem always loves you is the basis of everything – from your feelings of self-worth all the way to your bitul to the tzaddik. Your spiritual growth depends on believing how dear you are to Hashem, and that Hashem’s love for you is never endangered.

I Sang and Was Saved

What is common to a woman having complications during birth, a motorcycle rider with a dead motorcycle, and a parent sitting in the principal’s office? Answer: They all sang and were saved! Read some true stories of emuna, hope, and salvation! 

Promoting Love

When a person knows how much Hashem loves him and he feels this love, he’s willing to do much more for Hashem and His honor. Nothing awakens one’s heart to teshuva and to closeness to Hashem more than thanking Him.

Truly Happy

In our current situation of uncertainty, confusion, and deep stress, how do we hold up? How do we maintain joy? What can encourage us in such a situation? Believing that everything comes from Hashem is not enough. Rabbi Arush explains what’s missing... 

Plan Ahead

You’ve done everything – read the books, did hitbodedut, visited graves of the tzaddikim, and did every segula possible. But...nothing changed! Rabbi Arush explains what critical piece is missing for the salvation Hashem wants to give you. 

Yisrael: All Tribes Together

The clear knowledge that Hashem loves me is not only the basis for all emuna,  mental health, self-confidence, and believing in oneself. The emuna that Hashem loves me is also the basis for true ahavat Yisrael. 

Descendants Just Like Them

Dear Jews, believe in yourselves and believe in the good you have in you. Believe that Hashem knows that you are good and that you only want to be good and that you always want the best! 

Special Treatment

He was standing in the Heavenly Court and saw the judges talking about his case. Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, zt”l made his claim: It is true that the verdict is correct for an ordinary Jew, but the defendant standing here is a mezakeh harabbim (brings merits to the many), and such people get special treatment!

Decked Out with Love

There was much preparation and excitement before this wedding. Everything looked so perfect, and yet, very soon afterwards, the couple had to separate. What was missing?!