Jews throughout the world are known for their inventions, discoveries, and Nobel prizes. Rabbi Arush tells us what makes the Jewish nation truly outstanding...
As an Israeli nation, we cannot win the smallest skirmish, but as a Jewish nation, we cannot lose the fiercest battle. Every Jew, in Eretz Yisrael and outside, is called up for national duty. Through our mitzvot and teshuvah, may we be blessed with total victory!
Why does the wayward Bar Mitzvah boy - the ben sorer - deserve such a stiff penalty? He wants to live a gluttonous lifestyle while still being "religious"...
Our job in Elul is to stop making the same mistakes and to stop blaming Hashem for being unfair. Don't leave old spiritual debts unsettled...
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Rabbi Shalom Arush
Rabbi Shalom Arush
Jews throughout the world are known for their inventions, discoveries, and Nobel prizes. Rabbi Arush tells us what makes the Jewish nation truly outstanding...
What would end all quarrels and war, whether between people or nations? What is the single thing that the world, society, Am Yisrael, and the individual need to hold on to regardless of the cost? Rabbi Arush’s answer will surprise you...
Imagine hitting a green light at every street intersection so that you smoothly drive down the open road. If only real life could be like that! Read Rebbe Nachman’s Advice on how to make such a dream into reality...
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Jews throughout the world are known for their inventions, discoveries, and Nobel prizes. Rabbi Arush tells us what makes the Jewish nation truly outstanding...
As an Israeli nation, we cannot win the smallest skirmish, but as a Jewish nation, we cannot lose the fiercest battle. Every Jew, in Eretz Yisrael and outside, is called up for national duty. Through our mitzvot and teshuvah, may we be blessed with total victory!
Everyone looks forward to summer grilling. Dinners are a snap and all the mess stays outside. Try this gorgeous, colorful platter of grilled vegetables to accompany your burgers, or serve as a first course.
What was the tremendous wealth that R’ Rothschild kept hidden in a sealed room? Not gold and riches, but a clear understanding of the true purpose of his fortune.
What would end all quarrels and war, whether between people or nations? What is the single thing that the world, society, Am Yisrael, and the individual need to hold on to regardless of the cost? Rabbi Arush’s answer will surprise you...
A Kennedy just joined forces with the Republicans, the Olympics have been totally degraded, and even gender is no longer so simple. The world is upside-down and reeling... what do we do?
"Chut shel Chessed" - Illuminating the Jewish Soul
A few years ago, Rabbi Arush, who was a combat soldier in an elite airborne rescue unit, established the “Shalom to the Soldier” unit at Chut shel Chessed. This unit’s job is to outfit our heroic soldiers who give themselves for the sanctity of Hashem and the defense of the Holy Land. The outfit that … Continue reading “Spiritual Iron Swords for IDF Soldiers”
Chut shel Chessed urgently needs funding for increased security for the schools and community, as well as school books and supplies for displaced children! The People of Israel, especially those in Eretz Yisrael, are facing unique difficulties during the Simchat Torah War. Jews in many towns and kibbutzim in the south have been … Continue reading “Wartime Community Needs”
Pidyon Nefesh is a very special and powerful prayer and blessing that has the spiritual strength of a sacrifice in the Holy Temple to atone for sin and to mitigate severe judgments. The bigger and more pious the tzaddik, the more effective the “pidyon”, which literally means “redemption”, where one’s money is literally a sacrifice for one’s … Continue reading “Pidyon Nefesh by Rabbi Shalom Arush”
Strengthen your own emuna while getting the merit of spreading emuna around the world, plus Rabbi Arush’s blessing for income, success and a solution to all your problems! Rabbi Arush prays daily for everyone who supports Chut shel Chessed and spreading emuna on a monthly basis multiple times a day, including in his personal … Continue reading “Platinum Membership”
Yossi Cohen
Until my conversation with Rami, I felt that my world had been destroyed. Just 5 minutes on the phone filled me with hope and emuna that everything would be okay, and the power to change the situation lied in my hands. I don't know what I would have done without the advice I received!