When G-d wants to help you, He will open the earth beneath you and hold you above the abyss to get your attention. As soon as you start listening, He sends His miracles. This is my story of His deliverance...
Many people think that to rectify and atone for past sins they need to be sad. The opposite is true: The first thing a person must do in seeking personal holiness is to work on being happy and optimistic at all times.
Your child is harboring pain from somewhere; you, the parent, are simply in the line of fire. Your child is visibly pushing you away - it's not a rejection but a dire call for help…
How is it possible that the Jews in Egypt saw eight plagues that decimated the Egyptians (but left them unharmed) and yet believed in idolatry and in their own wisdom? Today isn’t so different – Rabbi Arush explains...
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Rabbi Shalom Arush
Rabbi Shalom Arush
We are building the future for our students! We are supporting the soldiers and so much more!
If we look for the good in others, then we are also able to see the good in ourselves and win the war against the Evil Inclination!
How is it possible that the Jews in Egypt saw eight plagues that decimated the Egyptians (but left them unharmed) and yet believed in idolatry and in their own wisdom? Today isn’t so different – Rabbi Arush explains...
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When G-d wants to help you, He will open the earth beneath you and hold you above the abyss to get your attention. As soon as you start listening, He sends His miracles. This is my story of His deliverance...
How amazing that we can read the same Torah portions year after year and still learn something new each time! With each reading, we get a deeper understanding of Hashem's ways...
How is it possible that the Jews in Egypt saw eight plagues that decimated the Egyptians (but left them unharmed) and yet believed in idolatry and in their own wisdom? Today isn’t so different – Rabbi Arush explains...
Today there are yeshivas and kollels in a vibrant Jewish world. There are many baalei teshuva and people who are increasing their mitzvah observance – but where is the Geula? What more can we do to witness the Geula? What’s missing?
Every moment, we are progressing in life. We are passing points along our journey that we will never see again. The question always is: Did we use our time wisely, or did we let these moments pass us by?
There are over 10 million types of creatures on earth, but God gave only one creature the gift of speech. How precious it is to speak and how important it is to use it very carefully. The simplest word can make the greatest impact!
"Chut shel Chessed" - Illuminating the Jewish Soul
A few years ago, Rabbi Arush, who was a combat soldier in an elite airborne rescue unit, established the “Shalom to the Soldier” unit at Chut shel Chessed. This unit’s job is to outfit our heroic soldiers who give themselves for the sanctity of Hashem and the defense of the Holy Land. The outfit that … Continue reading “Spiritual Iron Swords for IDF Soldiers”
Chut shel Chessed urgently needs funding for increased security for the schools and community, as well as school books and supplies for displaced children! The People of Israel, especially those in Eretz Yisrael, are facing unique difficulties during the Simchat Torah War. Jews in many towns and kibbutzim in the south have been … Continue reading “Wartime Community Needs”
Pidyon Nefesh is a very special and powerful prayer and blessing that has the spiritual strength of a sacrifice in the Holy Temple to atone for sin and to mitigate severe judgments. The bigger and more pious the tzaddik, the more effective the “pidyon”, which literally means “redemption”, where one’s money is literally a sacrifice for one’s … Continue reading “Pidyon Nefesh by Rabbi Shalom Arush”
Strengthen your own emuna while getting the merit of spreading emuna around the world, plus Rabbi Arush’s blessing for income, success and a solution to all your problems! Rabbi Arush prays daily for everyone who supports Chut shel Chessed and spreading emuna on a monthly basis multiple times a day, including in his personal … Continue reading “Platinum Membership”

Yossi Cohen
Until my conversation with Rami, I felt that my world had been destroyed. Just 5 minutes on the phone filled me with hope and emuna that everything would be okay, and the power to change the situation lied in my hands. I don't know what I would have done without the advice I received!