Our Holiday, Our Land
How do you describe the simple pleasure of celebrating Chanukah in a place where everyone is also rushing home to light their menorah? Our holiday, our land…
Natalie Kovan
How do you describe the simple pleasure of celebrating Chanukah in a place where everyone is also rushing home to light their menorah? Our holiday, our land…
If there is one thing that living in Eretz Yisrael has taught me, it’s that there is no longer any need to upgrade, once you have finally upgraded by living here...
So many people begin relationships by waiting for the fireworks, and they want a soundtrack to go with it. They want their relationship to resemble a Hollywood movie...
It's not the amount that we give to the poor person, it's the way we give; the few coins we give him won't solve his problems, but our smile might save his life...
Three boys: one carries a rifle, one learns algebra, and the third carries a Gemara in his hand. All raised in the same house by the same parents, yet so vastly different...
Here's a hearty round of applause for Moms, for it's mindboggling what they do. Don't take her for granted, Dad, because you might get a week's "vacation" at home...
Do we often measure our lives against what others have or don't have? Are we like preschoolers who whine and complain to Hashem at the unfairness of it all?
We all must clean our homes for Passover, but whether it becomes a pleasure or a pain depends on how we understand what and why we are really cleaning...
Many are the BTs who lament that their early education included Shakespeare and Plato rather than Abaye and Rava; those same BTs often outshine the Talmud scholars...
A stuck soul has a hard time being grateful, deriving pleasure from just being. A stuck soul gets mired in the mud of self defeat and negative thoughts...
A mouse in a Jewish mother's kosher kitchen? It's amazing how one of Hashem's tiny messengers can bring about such a change in an entire family...
The Maccabee's entire struggle was a fight to remain what they were—Jews, dedicated to HaShem, His Torah and His Land. And now, we find ourselves with a similar script...