Rabbi Eli Mansour

Rabbi Eli Mansour

12 Articles

Showering on Shabbat

Especially in the summer months, the question is frequently asked as to the permissibility of bathing or showering on Shabbat. Can we, or can't we? What are the conditions?

Repeating Kiddush

If a person had already fulfilled his obligation of saying Kiddush on Shabbat, may he recite Kiddush again for those who have not yet heard Kiddush? Rabbi Eli Mansour answers...

Dunking Donuts

We learn from the Pesach Seder that we must wash hands before dipping food in liquid; does that mean that we must wash our hands before dunking donuts in coffee?

Eruv Tavshilin

The purpose of the Eruv Tavshilin is to allow food preparation on Yom Tov for Shabbat, as happens when Yom Tov lands on Thursday and Friday...