Lori Steiner

Lori Steiner

72 Articles

Becoming a Giver

Businesses and institutions develop an “agenda” to meet their goals. The soul also has a goal - maturing from a taker into a giver. What is the soul’s agenda and how does it fit with our notion of freedom? 

The Power of Bitachon

As my trust in Hashem grew, He showed me evidence that He hears and listens to me. Even a bird perched on a treetop can be Hashem’s messenger in these conversations! 

Vital Topics for Your Pesach Seder

This Pesach is most significant because of the turmoil and suffering that Jews everywhere are experiencing. The Seder can give us optimism in Hashem’s promise that He is redeeming us! We will experience a most amazing salvation!

Cosmic Messages

Hashem is opening a dialog with us on a personal and collective level to draw close. Our positive intentions and emotions for Hashem and His Torah have tremendous power to not just enrich our lives, but also to bring the entire world to know Hashem. 

Living in the Vibration of Geulah

The up-coming solar eclipse will occur on Rosh Chodesh Nissan, the month of miracles in which we celebrate the first redemption from the Egyptian exile. The eclipse serves as an impetus to elevate our spiritual potential to lead the world into a new phase of history –  the fourth and final redemption.

The Power of “Amen”

The positive energy and unity that derive from celebrating one’s Hebrew birthday is very strong. It is appropriate for the honoree to bless others on that day…

Mighty Mouth

Once we express negativity in any form, we give it power to destroy. Part of our mission is to undo this tendency to jump to conclusions and suspect the worse…

Avoiding the Confusion

The non-Torah mindset leads to confusion and a confused mind leads one to do selfish things that may seem logical because “everyone” is doing them to get ahead…

Ten Steps to Redemption

Are we and our families prepared for the blinding bright spiritual light of Geula that's on the way? Let's not be caught off-guard. Here how to prepare ourselves…