When God saved Noach and his family from the flood, He gave mankind the sign of the rainbow and seven mitzvot. These mitzvot are referred to as the "Sheva Mitzvot Bnei Noach," or the Noahide commandments. [Includes video of Chief Rabbi Lau blessing Bnei Noach community.]
Noahide World
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There are moments when lack of community and structure cause frustrations to build up. It's easy to feel angry and like someone is ripping them off…
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A Noahide Chanukah Diary
“I printed up instructions for how to light the candles, where to place them. We celebrated with an awkward tension. How do we do this? We have no cultural references.”
G-d Can Protect You Anywhere
A non-Jewish reader and her family want to live in Israel as Jews, but they cannot make Aliyah. What can they do?
My Noahide Tisha B’Av
The loss of the Holy Temple not only affects Jews. How can Bnei Noach "connect" to Tisha B'Av and the Beit HaMikdash?
In Hiding
I am ever so grateful to Hashem for seeking me out from my hiding place and reminding me of my purpose. So, to answer His call, let me share this emuna story…
The Noahide Struggle
Noahides struggle when leaving a formal religion with rites, liturgy, and religious holidays to a path that has no formal religious worship or holidays. How can Noahides fill that sense of emptiness with spirituality?
That’s so Annoying!
It seems to be human nature to resist the truth. It’s staring us in the face if we only spend a moment to look for it, to ask to be able to perceive it…
The Magic Pill
Fits and spurts of diets, exercise programs, nutrition programs, and more pills and protein shakes then one could possibly count. I’ve done everything except the obvious…
Noahide Challenges and Joys
When the Creator directed me to the 7 Noahide Laws instead of conversion, one of the first things I prayed to Him was, "I can do this!" A relief and an excitement came over me…
Life’s Classroom
Every area that touches our life becomes a teachable moment for us; we get to learn and practice everything the Creator has taught through His Seven Commandments…
Body First or Soul First
Hashem is talking to us every day. The messages are there if only we have the emuna, the faith, to hear them, and the willingness to act and modify our actions…
On The Edge
Have you seen those cute little growth diagrams showing the one circle labeled “comfort zone” and inside that circle is a smiley face that represents you…
Bakin’ Biscuits
Waiting can be a hard thing to do, but part of the lesson of cooking is waiting for the results. In the fast-food society we live in, we can be robbed of the benefits of waiting…
Weekly Reboot
Being a Noahide, we acknowledge Shabbos and celebrate it – a nice meal, Torah study, family time. But, much of the day is similar to the other days of the week…
The Trekkie
On the famed star-ship are a mixed crew from many different nationalities and a half-breed alien. All of the different people are working together to accomplish the same goal…
When One Door Closes
Hashem doesn’t need our worry. We are not doing Him or ourselves any good by stressing and noodling over how to bring about this or that desire…
A Miraculous Stroke
Hundreds, no, thousands of miracles – beautiful gifts from the Creator – are given to us each and every day. The stroke was a gift and the recovery was a gift…