When we have mercy on other people, so too we are judged with mercy and favor. We too, like Moshe, can emulate Hashem’s attribute of mercy by being compassionate to others.
Pure oil was brought to Moshe because he was the true Tzaddik who could awaken and illuminate the soul of each individual Jew, which is rooted in the Torah...
We are naturally selfish by nature. When we get out of worrying about ourselves and our problems and give to others, we gain more than what we gave - physically and spiritually.
We can taste and experience a little bit of Heaven here in this world through the holiness of Shabbat – including the feeling of the nullification of time...
Our only choice is either to want or to despair. The pain of wanting without realizing our goal fuels us to pray and work even harder. There is no despair!
During a person’s entire life he is on a journey to reach the goal, to actualize all of the potential he has inside and to be who he is truly supposed to be...
The good that is inside of everyone is one with Hashem. Recognizing and appreciating this good point can pull the person out of his state of despair or spiritual sleep.
There is a great debate about whether our character traits are inborn and unchangeable, or developed through the course of our lives. The Torah says that both are true...
On Shabbat, we return to our essential selves and our eternal connection with God. We leave behind the struggles of the week and enter a space of healing.
Lag B’Omer, Rashbi, and Rabbeinu make it possible for every Jew to connect to the light of Torah and heal his soul. Rabbeinu brings the light of Rebbe Shimon to our generation.
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