How can we help? What can we do to really make a difference? Join Rabbi Arush's elite "Shalom to the Soldier" unit that outfits soldiers with spiritual Iron Sword protection.
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Rabbi Arush Q&A in English!!
Rabbi Arush gives a weekly shiur followed by Q&A in English! Read the details here and send in your questions!!
Articles by Sub-Category
Support Our Soldiers!
How can we help? What can we do to really make a difference? Join Rabbi Arush's elite "Shalom to the Soldier" unit that outfits soldiers with spiritual Iron Sword protection.
Rabbi Arush Q&A in English!!
Rabbi Arush gives a weekly shiur followed by Q&A in English! Read the details here and send in your questions!!
Stop the Tragedies!
Rabbi Arush has an URGENT message for YOU! Read about the greatest gift ever given to the world, which will do miracles for you too!
Hafatza – Help Spread Emuna!
Hafatza! Join the army of Hafatza and do your part in spreading emuna. Special deal for spreading 100 CDs, and you can use your maaser money too!