Vayakhel Pekudei: The Heart Counts
There are two types of givers: those “whose spirit moves them” to give wholeheartedly what they can afford, and an even nobler category of people “whose heart inspires them” to give more than they can afford.
Rabbi David Schallheim
There are two types of givers: those “whose spirit moves them” to give wholeheartedly what they can afford, and an even nobler category of people “whose heart inspires them” to give more than they can afford.
One of the most disturbing incidents in the Torah is the sin of the Golden Calf. The generation that witnessed the Revelation of God’s...
When I entered a baal teshuvah Yeshiva twenty-eight years ago my clarion cry was “Clarity or Death!”
This week’s Torah portion focuses on the Mishkan (the Tabernacle), which is the dwelling place for the Shechinah (Divine Presence).
Any worthwhile endeavor in life requires preparation. When I was a Boy Scout, I learned the Scout’s Motto: “Be prepared.” Before embarking on a camping trip...
God gave us 613 beautiful and uplifting mitzvot. We are permitted, and even encouraged, to discover inspiring and meaningful "reasons" for them...
A startling insight into Judaism is provided by the Torah’s juxtaposition of the civil laws with the Ten Commandments. Most people think of religion as a matter of ritual...
This was the praise of “the lovingkindness of your youth, the love of your nuptials.” The realities of the natural world meant...
If we have solid emunah in God, we realize that death is really the bridge to a better world. Our weeping over the loss of...
A man has many different types of desires. Sweet enjoyments impress one’s body in illusive pleasures, and bring a certain measure...
Why did Yosef conceal his identity? And why did Yosef ask all the attendants to leave when he finally decided to reveal himself?
The word "vayikra" "He called," from the root kra, to call, indicates that God wished to speak to Moshe and purposely called to him...