The Brunells slowly make their transation in Israel, only to encounter a new test of their faith – the Israeli Rabbinate refuses to accept their Helsinki conversion…
The Jewish Agency’s biggest concern was my education - a theological degree from a Christian University was not a promise for a great future in Israel. They had suspicions…
Shlomo comes to the Land in Israel, arriving as a Jew to look for a home for his family. How could something so new and strange be at the same time so familiar and so dear?
Shlomo and his family drove 500 kilometers across Finland, and then embarked on a ten-hour voyage from Turku to Stockholm, just to hear Dudu Fisher sing “Yerushalayim”…
Shlomo, a foreigner from a distant land, was now yearning for Hashem and His people, and willing to climb every mountain and overcome any obstacle in order to find them…
The mother eagle realized that one of her young ones was missing. She started to fly around, calling from above, hoping that her missing young bird would respond to her call…
We began to feel drawn to everything Jewish, seeing a Jewish book in the library or the Star of David stirred our emotions and made us feel a longing for something unfamiliar...
This was a time of limbo for Shlomo – together with his resignation from the church, he lost his job, his home, and his friends. The family would have to move once more…
In this moving episode, Shlomo bravely stands up to the Church, the Bishop, and to his congregation and gives in his resignation as a Lutheran minister...
The more Sholmo opened his eyes to the unanswered questions and outright discrepancies of the church doctrine, the more rebellious he felt against the institution...
“In my reflections on the Christian Church years after leaving the fold, I continue to be amazed at the amount of clear evidence against the validity of what they preach.”
“I had a desire to pursue the truth, to come closer to God's Land and His chosen people. I had an urge to leave the institution that made me feel as if I were a betrayer…”
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