Gedale Fenster

Gedale Fenster

13 Articles

Go All In

Although it seems like we're in darkness, Hashem is ‘holding our hand’, and ultimately providing us with the opportunity to make the right decisions…

Expert in Happiness

Let's make an energy shift toward joy. Salvation originates from happiness, as the darkness that we previously experienced prepares us for a new light…

Breaking the Pattern of Fear

Although many types of fear have little logical reasoning to support them, they nonetheless thrive in one’s subconscious, resulting in a vicious cycle of detrimental behavior…

After the Fall

How we can pick ourselves up in light of with all the negative self-talk that floods our minds? It’s important to separate who we are from the impurity that clouds our judgment…

Pursuing Happiness

The inability to revel in the energy and accomplishments of the present day is offset by the belief that tomorrow holds the essential missing ingredient that we longed for…

Ten Essential Life Lessons

Gedale Fenster presents us with ten priceless lessons to expand our da'at – our higher knowledge – and to aid us in clarifying our vision and moving towrad our goals…

The Power of a Decision

The key to moving forward is first accepting the reality of who we are and the situations that we’ve experienced. Accepting what is, allows us to be mindful of the present moment…

Attitude of Gratitude

When we develop a close relationship with God, we begin to see that everything in life is an expression of His love for us, and that every obstacle we face is for our benefit…

A Unique Purpose

Often, our uniqueness becomes overshadowed by the expectations and opinions of society. The tendency to compare our own success to others is commonplace…