Debbie Shapiro

Debbie Shapiro

76 Articles

Days of Terror

2007: My neighbor's daughter and family fled Tsfat. Last night, they used my computer to check their email. Lisa described how everything had been so normal...

Being Sensitive

I experienced a miracle – I was saved from my own stupidity. One of my neighbors, a thirty-five year old mother of ten, is presently undergoing chemotherapy....

Pursuing Peace

I had been warring with my closest friend for an unbelievable three years. No communication had passed between us this entire time, despite the fact that ... This beautiful story tells how one woman asked for forgiveness, pushed aside resentment, and discovered a new world of understanding and peace. Don't wait for Rosh Hashanah - DO IT TODAY!

Boundaries of Growth

We need tremendous siyata d'Shemaya, Heavenly assistance in erecting proper boundaries: boundaries that protect without repelling; boundaries that...

Moving Substance

"We leave this world, and we know that we're going to a better place. We’re tired, our bodies are far from perfect, but the separation is so hard...

Missing Children

Holocaust Day: 06-May-2024. Prior to the holocaust approximately 1.6 million Jewish children were living in Nazi occupied Europe. An estimated 1.5 million of them were murdered...

Lessons Of The War

2007: Once we were there, we would stand there, petrified, waiting to hear the boom of the landing missile, hoping and praying that it would not land on us.

Worthy Vessels

Being a Jew is a two way street. Hashem's blessings are there, waiting for us. But we have to make ourselves into "vessels" worthy of receiving that blessing.