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Rosh Chodesh

"This is the very first commandment given to the nation as a whole, an indication that the concept of Rosh Chodesh, or the New Moon, is very meaningful.


Basic Book of Jewish Mysticism; written by Rabbi Shimon ben Yochai in the Galilean Cave, during his period of enforced hiding from the Romans. Bar Yochai...


Gehinnom refers, generally, to a limited-time experience (Edyos 2:10) in the afterlife where the soul is purged of its blemishes...


Mussar refers to a moral movement, based on the study of traditional ethical literature. Probably the classic text in “Mussar” is “Pirkei Avot”, Ethics of the Fathers...


The Mishnah was the first written compilation of Oral Law of Judaism. Rabbi Akiva was first such compiler. "Rabbi Yehudah HaNasi,"...


Original Man; first human being created by G-d. He is created "B'tzelem Elokim," "in the image of G-d." One of the meanings of...

Eliyahu HaNavi

Eliyahu HaNavi, Elijah the Prophet, was one of the greatest prophets of Jewish History and Jewish Legend. He lived in the period after Yeravam ben Nevat...

Eishet Chayil

Composed by Shlomo Hamelech, Eishet Chayil (Mishlei 31:10-31) is recited on Friday night, after 'Shalom Aleichem" and prior to reciting Kiddush.


An act of kindness. It was said by Shimon HaTzaddik (Simon the Righteous) that the world continues to exist because of...

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