Composed by Shlomo Hamelech, Eishet Chayil (Mishlei 31:10-31) is recited on Friday night, after 'Shalom Aleichem" and prior to reciting Kiddush.
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Eliyahu HaNavi, Elijah the Prophet, was one of the greatest prophets of Jewish History and Jewish Legend. He lived in the period after Yeravam ben Nevat...
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An act of kindness. It was said by Shimon HaTzaddik (Simon the Righteous) that the world continues to exist because of...
Rosh HaShanah
Start of the Year; The "Day of Judgment" for all individuals and for all nations. One of the Mitzvot, or Commandments associated with this holiday is the blowing of the Shofar...
"Mitzvah" - (pl. "Mitzvot"); a Command of G-d. There are several types, including the following...
A righteous man (for the female equivalent, see "Tzidkanit") - based on the Hebrew word "Tzedek," or Justice. The Jewish hero is not the swashbuckling warrior...
The Book of Psalms, one of the Books of the "TANAKH," or the Bible. It is a collection of songs of praise to the Creator, songs that arise from the soul of a person...
Beit HaMikdash
Holy Temple, spiritual center of the Jewish People. Three "Batei Mikdash" have played or, we believe, will soon play important...
Tzedaka (Charity) – The Work of Giving
Our sages teach: If you see that your livelihood is limited, give tzedaka! All the more so, if you have sufficient income. This is like a shorn and unshorn...
The Torah describes Tefillin as a sign, a public statement of Jewish involvement. By donning Tefillin daily...
Hitbodedut – Personal Prayer
Rebbe Nachman teaches that the main "weapon" of Mashiach–and of every Jew - is prayer. Every tefilah (prayer), every bracha (blessing), every whispered thanks...
Sanctuary, or Portable Temple. This was the first institutionalized mechanism for the presence of God on earth...
Ma’arat Hamachpeila
The Cave of the Patriarchs - "Ma'arat Hamachpeila " means a double cave because its hidden twin caves are the burial place of four "pairs" of important Biblical couples...
"Masechet" (alt. Masechta) (Aramaic; plural Masechtot): A "volume;" one of sixty three volumes of the Talmud...
The Melitzer Rebbe of Ashdod
A descendent of Rebbe Yechial Michal of Zlatshov, and the Shotzer Rebbe, the Melitzer Rebbe lives in...
Akeidat Yitzchak
The binding; as in "Akeidat Yitzchak," the "Binding (as a Sacrifice is bound) of Yitzchak, and his offering by Avraham to HaShem, as a sacrifice...
Shaul HaMelech
Shaul, the first King of Israel, anointed by the Prophet "Shmuel," or Samuel. Described in the Bible...