Hester panim is not Hashem telling us that He hates us and can’t stand us – it’s the greatest revelation of Hashem’s love for us that there could possibly be!!!
Spiritual Growth
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Even when it looks like you aren’t going anywhere, you are moving in place – you just don’t know it. You can move higher and higher on your path to Hashem without taking a single step forward.
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Push It Off!
How often have we reacted hastily, only to regret it later?! The Kalever Rebbe advises to wait an hour when temptations and emotions start to rise.
Becoming a Giver
Businesses and institutions develop an “agenda” to meet their goals. The soul also has a goal - maturing from a taker into a giver. What is the soul’s agenda and how does it fit with our notion of freedom?
Joie de Vivre – You’ve Got It
Emuna means that Hashem loves us! Often, people who are seemingly baalei emuna get stuck at “It is Hashem’s will”. They don’t move on to the deep emuna that brings about true joyfulness. Our efforts during Sefirat HaOmer can help move us in the right direction.
The Power of Bitachon
As my trust in Hashem grew, He showed me evidence that He hears and listens to me. Even a bird perched on a treetop can be Hashem’s messenger in these conversations!
No Excuses
People make excuses to avoid growing their spirituality, and then they use reasoning to justify their behavior. However, they do not apply that same reasoning to other areas of their life. How do we break these excuses? The Kalever Rebbe explains...
Politeness in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Utilizing Artificial Intelligence as a "Middot machine," gives us the opportunity to cultivate the virtues of patience and humility, transforming our interaction with technology into a journey to Hashem.
How to Win When You’re Losing
After three winning seasons, the coach forecast that his team was about to fail. Sure enough, the other “losing” team won the next year’s championship. What lessons from the coach’s strategy can we apply to our own wins and losses in teshuvah?
Hashem’s Angels
We can create thousands of Hashem's angels through our prayers and mitzvot. These angels can reach the darkest places and transform every Jew.
The Greatest Return
Investments, risks, returns, net worth... Can one be a venture capitalist with Hashem? YES! And setting up a relationship with Hashem is a sure bet!
Now is Better
How easy it is to think “if only I had ... then I could be a better Jew”. Just for fun, let’s walk through that idea and see where it leads!
The Myth of Invincibility
In today’s modern world, it’s easy to feel no need for Hashem – we can do everything. Despite feeling invincible, we control nothing. Hashem’s greatest gift to us is when He makes clear to us that He’s the invincible one!
Life with Hashem is a Life
Change one bad behavior and discover the greatness that was always buried inside. Take on a life of mitzvot, and you force yourself to stop doing all the things that kept you from your own personal greatness.
People around you are reaching the stars while you're mired in muck? Don't hate someone because they’re more successful than you. It is a gift from God and an opportunity to show Him your emuna in His just world.
Take God’s Hand – Part 2
We try and fail, try and fail, over and over. Why do we expect perfection in ourselves – Hashem doesn’t! Hashem only expects us to ask for His help and to keep trying.
The Secret of the Inn
When people study Torah together and are engaged in holy conversations, the physical space is infused with holiness and purity. In turn, those people will excel and grow in holiness.
Take God’s Hand – Part 1
Rabbi Arush teaches that if you receive anything that you did not pray to receive, it will end up being a punishment! What's the big deal? Why should you be punished for receiving something that you didn’t ask Hashem for?