As soon as a lion smells, hears or sees another animal in the area, it immediately goes from the rest or sleep state into a full speed charge without even a moment of thought…
Many people don't want to work hard; they'd rather take their chances later and just live carefree and easy now. Let's analyze that attitude for a moment…
If even the worst sinner would take upon himself a set practice to study a fixed amount of Torah every day, he would be able to escape from the ensnarement of evil…
Modesty or tzniut is a very misunderstood concept in Judaism. It is not something that is necessarily defined by the clothes you wear, nor does it apply only to a woman...
Did you ever play the game, “Don't get shot?” You are walking through heavily guarded enemy territory with soldiers and snipers out to get you at every corner.
How do we caution and guide others in the service of Hashem? The only real way is by being a personal example, is especially when it comes to our own family members…
Gratitude is the highest level of using our speech. Rav Shalom Arush teaches that giving gratitude to Hashem is the deepest way we can serve Hashem here in this world...
Suppose you were given bitter food; would you eat it? No way; but suppose that food had magic medicinal qualities such as removing wrinkles and enabling bald heads to grow hair…
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