David Ben Horin

David Ben Horin

302 Articles

“Never Again” is Our Civic Duty

On October 6, 2023, the leaders of Iran, Hizballah, and Hamas were considering the impossible. The strongest man in the room balked, as did his sidekick. What did the weakest man in the room know that the others didn’t when he attacked Israel? 

The Thief

She said that the work would be finished in a month if she was given an advance. Six weeks later, she said the work would be finished in a week if she was given additional payment. Another month later ...  Are we stealing from God with our promises to "do well" tomorrow in exchange for something today?

The Adventures of Milo

For a year, my rabbit Milo sat on a balcony and ate. He didn’t do much of anything until we set him free. After he was released, he hopped higher and moved faster than I’d ever seen him. It’s amazing what someone can do when they are in the right place!

God’s Deal of the Century 

When you have the opportunity to do some small mitzvah, the biggest weapon the Satan yields against you is four words: "It’s no big deal". Perhaps you feel that your actions are insignificant. However, Hashem gives us the deal of a lifetime when we resist temptation.

The Kitchen Miracle 

When G-d wants to help you, He will open the earth beneath you and hold you above the abyss to get your attention. As soon as you start listening, He sends His miracles. This is my story of His deliverance...

Hashem’s Timeless Gift

Every moment, we are progressing in life. We are passing points along our journey that we will never see again. The question always is: Did we use our time wisely, or did we let these moments pass us by?

The Second Coming of Donald Trump

Donald Trump's Presidential Inaugural, 20-01-2025. We are looking in the wrong direction for our salvation. Donald Trump is not the savior of the Jewish People,and America is not Israel’s salvation. Our salvation is from Hashem, and our savior is Mashiach Ben David.

The War of the Jew

What do you call a Jewish warrior who serves his nation every day of his life – without vacation, breaks, or end? What do you call a Jewish warrior whose battlefield is not limited to Eretz Yisrael?  A Haredi.

A Ballad of Jimmy Carter

No matter how powerful the man, he is a servant of our King, Who reigns over all kings. It might feel like an invincible pharaoh will subjugate us forever, but his time on earth is confined to his last breath. Like grass, he will grow tall only to whither and fade away.

Why We Kill Their gods Every Day

Throughout history, the Jewish People have been accused of killing the gods of the Egyptian pagans, the Greek Hellenists, and the Christians. The truth is – they are correct. A timely message when Chanukah occurs during the Christian holiday!

The Syria Surprise

We tried everything to eliminate the Assad regime in Syria: the Yom Kippur war, the wars in Lebanon, destruction of the Syrian nuclear weapons plant. After all this plus  years of civil war, Assad was still in power - he looked invincible! Then, in a matter of days, Hashem showed us Who rules over the kings of this world.