The Treasure
"I have succeeded in instilling in you a principle," said Rabbi Nachman. "Do not deceive yourselves!"
Rabbi Israel Isaac Besancon
"I have succeeded in instilling in you a principle," said Rabbi Nachman. "Do not deceive yourselves!"
How sad, how unnecessary! This is the absurd reasoning of “all or nothing” that uses the fantasy of the maximum as a trampoline and casts its victims...
Thus, in one single moment of remorse, we can spiritually return back even higher than the level when our sin took place and hence eradicate years...
Most people feel frustrated. One may feel that he is making no progress, but the very fact that he remains where he is, while doing his utmost, is in...
Thus, when we awaken to our own imperfections, when we realize that we are surrounded by moral thorns and stones, we might well be tempted to...
If we ourselves have felt this need and endeavor to offer to those around us the comfort and warmth necessary for any progress, then we will...
Let us be rather like the reed than the cedar, as the Talmud says. The reed, firmly planted, bends beneath the storm, but does not break...
Even if there were good things in the past, even it the preceding days were filled with positive memories, real progress and uplifting, one must...
At such times, the solution consists in erasing the past and starting over as if this were the first time in our lives that we heard words of Torah...
If we go back to the source of our greatest errors, we will find that the initial deviation was always trifling, negligible. We deviated a hair's...
How many sincere souls have already abandoned the ranks of Torah spiritual struggle because of the weight of their imperfection and the profound...
The basic test that all of us are obliged to pass is to overcome the hurdle that separates us from being our Beloved's, that of our true attachment...