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Money on the Floor

We come with a loving call to all Daughters of Israel! I ask you from the bottom of my heart – for Hashem’s honor and for all our brethren who are in trouble – do your part, and with your tzniut you make this whole world a brighter one.

Wishing to Connect 

The strength of the Jewish people lies in its holiness and modesty.  Rabbi Arush turns to all readers who want to do the greatest thing for the Jewish People, for our soldiers, and for our existence! 

We are Responsible for Our Brothers

We are going through a very long, difficult, and painful period, and the end is not in sight. We must feel the distress of every Jew! We hear the painful voices of those who say, “They are not our brothers. We must wake up and increase feelings of brotherhood with all our might. A MUST READ!

What is Hiding the Mashiach?

What will happen when the Mashiach is revealed? All Jews will immediately recognize him, believe in him, and follow him, right? Not so, says Rabbi Arush! What can we do to ensure that we’re one of Mashiach’s followers? 

Social Media for Adults?

Social media is not dangerous only to youth. Adults are not immune to the dangers and can be adversely affected. The Kalever Rebbe warns – don't think that you’re safe and that at your age you are “beyond” temptation. 

Life’s Lessons from my Autistic Son

Witness the transformation of frustration into fulfillment as my son's refusal to shower became a powerful metaphor for our relationship with God. This story will touch your heart and change your perspective on everyday struggles.

From Transgression to Triumph

Divine Intervention or coincidence? When 10,000 people publicly defied Hashem, the consequences were scorching. Learn how your good deeds can reverse calamities and bring blessings to all! 

Who Wants Mashiach?

We all want Mashiach! But what is the “Mashiach” that we’re praying for – someone to solve our personal problems and make life wonderful? Rabbi Arush gives clear guidance on what the Mashiach is really coming to do, and how we can hasten that day. A MUST READ!

What Causes Antisemitism?

Antisemitism is rising at alarming rates around the globe, yet there is no rational or logical reason for it. Rather, it is Hashem’s way of ensuring that Jews remain distinct from non-Jews. When antisemitism rises, we must distance ourselves from the non-Jewish culture. 

What I Saw in the Holocaust

Today, we see that elite American universities that create the next leaders in society have become centers of hate. Yet, we send our children there for “higher education”, thinking that their Torah education will protect them from adverse influence. But is that what happens? 

It’s About You!

The Haggadah states, "In every generation a person is obligated to see himself..." - to focus and to understand what is best for us rather than follow the majority. We need to be like our ancestors who did not allow the majority to impact or influence them.

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