Who is capable of serving Hashem in a matter befitting to Hashem’s greatness? No one! Yet, we can all serve Hashem in a way Hashem truly loves – with simplicity…
Rebbe Nachman encourages us to write down our nuances in Torah, for when a person creates Torah thoughts, he creates a river of Torah that can inspire and awaken others.
Rabbi Nachman teaches us that once we learn how to find the hidden good in others, we can apply the technique to ourselves; this will save us from depression…
The Baal Shem Tov’s magnificent Ten Principles are the key to emuna, Chassidic thought, and to understanding how the universe functions. Nothing is devoid of Hashem…
Rabbi Nachman had had the idea of taking his wife, traveling far away and living anonymously. He would go to the marketplace occasionally and laugh at the entire world…
A frog from Harvard? Here’s a delightful taste of contemporary Chassidic poetry at its best, wonderfully remindful of Rebbe Nachman’s Tale, “The Simple and the Clever.”
What do we look for in a leader? Rebbe Nachman teaches that a true leader must be a man of compassion, but he be uncompromising with evil people, murderers, and thieves.
Eye-opening Torah 52 from Rebbe Nachman’s classic “Likutei Moharan speaks about hitbodedut, one’s personal dialogue with God whereby a person can attain a oneness with Hashem.
Dark-side forces already know about the prescribed prayers and lay in wait to hijack them. We must therefore reroute our prayers to a path that the hijackers don’t know about.
In hitbodedut, a person connects to G-d in a beautifully simplistic way. Although our soul is a part of G-d, we must still open our mouths and create a personal dialogue with God.
Rebbe Nachman said, “My place is only in the land of Israel. In all my travels, I am only traveling to the land of Israel, and for the moment, I am a leader in Breslev…”