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Jewish Daily Life and Halacha
Featured Articles
In today's toxic environment, every mitzvah that you keep is extraordinarily precious! It gives Hashem tremendous gratification when you withstand the impure traits of the nations that surround you.
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The Enjoyment Does Come
If a person stretches and pushes himself to perform a mitzvah when it is difficult, eventually he will unleash that mitzvah's sweetness. He will begin to thoroughly enjoy that mitzvah with a true, unmatched pleasure.
The Spiritual Journey of Jewish Law
Following Hashem’s laws makes you more spiritually sensitive. Start with small, easy laws that you’re probably already doing, and then slowly take on another and another. This is the spiritual journey of Jewish Law – you can scale mountains!
Judicial Reform?
Much discussion is going around about the judicial reforms being proposed in Israel. Read the Kalever Rebbe’s eye-opening article about judiciary systems.
Don’t Stop Reading Newspapers
If we take an honest look, don't we see warning lights about some of our behavior? Disregarding those warnings in order to continue in our comfort zone is a form of self-punishment. Rabbi Arush explains...
Our Bread and Water
Isn’t it enough that I pray three times a day and study Chassidut? Why do I need to learn Torah every day on top of that?
Rebbe Natan’s Tip for Success
There are so many sublime ways and teachings of tremendous tzaddikim - how do we know which to use in any particular situation? Rebbe Natan gives us a tip for life!
The Power of a Minyan
Are you someone who wants your prayers accepted? Do you want avoid heavenly accusations? Read the Kalever Rebbe's sure solution...
The Impact of Mitzvot
Some adolescents (and even some adults) view learning and mitzvot as a burden. How can we break that mindset? Read the Kalever Rebbe's sage advise...
Mighty Warriors of Eretz Yisrael
These warriors don’t wear combat gear, fly F-35s, or serve in elite military units. They work the land of Eretz Yisrael under back-breaking conditions. Read of their simple, rock-solid emuna in Hashem’s direct Providence during the Shmita year that just finished.
Are Kameas Allowed?
A reader asks, “Are Kameas allowed?” Are they some sort of magic or Avodah Zarah? Where do they fit into Breslev tradition? How can you properly use them?
Impact of Kashrut
During the summer months when we're travelling or vacationing, it's easy to let our standards of kashrut slip. The ensuing damage has a lasting impact on our neshamah and on our emuna.
All in The Name
Prayer can be frustrating and disappointing. Instead of an intimate meeting with your loving Father, you find yourself chasing after the most ridiculous thoughts. Can anything be done to keep your focus??
Bring Mussar Into Your Life
How can we protect ourselves in this era of pervasive heresy and promiscuity? It seems that no place is “safe” - except for one...
Idle Time
How we occupy our space time plays a critical role in building holy families and communities, committed to Torah and mitzvot.
On Love and Law
We are required to love a fellow human being who exhibits atrocious behavior or values. How can we reconcile loving a person and rejecting his deeds?