Shai Mor

Shai Mor

11 Articles

The Newspaper Boy

Hashem wants a relationship with all of His children. When you say “thank You” to Hashem, it is to give to Him rather than to get something from Him.

The Boy and the Noose

Life's challenges sometimes may make us think Hashem has abandoned us. Instead, we should recognize that they're a call from Above to return to our loving Father in Heaven…

Keep Fighting, Rocky

Rocky is a hero, not because he knocks out his opponent. Rather, because he takes punches repeatedly and, with will and stamina, remains standing…

The Ring

The argument about who found the ring nearly tore the family apart. The brothers began feuding with each other and then their wives joined in too…

A Time to Shine

A father sent his two sons to a trade convention in Nevada; they had an important job to do in representing Dad's company, but glitter of good times flashed in their faces…

The Two Princesses

The Dubno Maggid once visited an ornately decorated synagogue whose congregants did not observe Shabbat or kashrut; here's the story he told them …

All for the Best

If we only focus on isolated painful events in our lives we lose focus of the big picture, the ultimate good that Hashem is preparing for each of us; that's the big picture …

The Three Daughters

Ben Ish Chai, Rabbenu Yosef Chaim of Baghdad, tells the following powerful story to give an idea of the grave effects of Lashon Hara...

Always Accountable

Modern society looks at innocent and honest people like suckers; you're just not cool if you don't know how to wheel and deal. Until, accountability knocks on the door…


The CEO inherited a thriving corporation from his successful father who warned him to stick to the time-tested business model. "Why have my hands tied?", thought the young CEO…

The Amazing Tikkun Klali

It's the real deal! Shai Mor in New Jersey has been telling everyone how he has seen amazing salvations in everyday challenges from reading Tikkun HaKlali.