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The World Revolution

A growing problem in our generation is rebelliousness against any authority figure. In the religious community, this rebellion includes dishonoring and denigrating rabbis and teachers. The resulting damage to one’s own children can be catastrophic and long-term.

Seeds of Faith

The rapid growth of a sunflower from a tiny seed to a 10-foot-tall plant showcases the miraculous power of Hashem. Despite the overwhelming influence of money, power, and media, nature reveals Who is truly in control.

The Holy Shield

Wearing the simple garment tzitzit protects the wearer from all dangers, both physical and spiritual. One who understands the tremendous benefits of tzitzit will be sure to wear them regardless of heat or discomfort.

The Divine Experience of Eating Chocolate 

Chocolate is truly Divine! Its ingredients come from God’s miraculous transformation of nature. The experience of eating chocolate becomes a joyous celebration of God’s kindness towards us — making each bite even sweeter than the candy itself!

Who Wants Mashiach – Yemot HaMashiach

Redemption is a long and sometimes difficult process, both on the personal level and on the national level. Redemption is the process of tikkun (rectification). Rabbi Arush explains what we can do to effect our personal redemption-before the Mashiach arrives.

Who Wants Mashiach?

We all want Mashiach! But what is the “Mashiach” that we’re praying for – someone to solve our personal problems and make life wonderful? Rabbi Arush gives clear guidance on what the Mashiach is really coming to do, and how we can hasten that day. A MUST READ!

Faith Under Siege

The war against Amalek is the war against doubt. The age of technology has armed our worst foe with powerful weapons to cast doubt on everything. Amalek doesn’t aim to obliterate our faith but to subtly destabilize it. 

Seeking the Favor of Nations?

A Jew who thinks that earning favor with the non-Jews and blending into their culture will benefit him is sorely mistaken. Everything depends on Hashem alone and His Divine Providence. 

You Can Return!

Let us always remember that no matter what sins a Jew might have done, no matter how far he might have drifted from Torah and mitzvot, he still has a pure and holy soul. We must never give up on him! Rather, we must pray for him and encourage him in every way.

Israel’s Blossoming Redemption

In the Days of Mashiach, Hashem will distract the world so that when Mashiach arrives. We're so busy focusing on social and political events in Eretz Yisrael that we might miss signs of unfolding redemption. We’re in for a beautiful surprise!  

The Easy Way to Remove the Evil Eye

Let's stop focusing on all the craziness and instead look at the endless salvations and good that happen to each of us and to the Jewish People. There is much that is good! The final redemption depends on our learning to sing and give thanks! 

My Only Wish

Two groups of students of emuna both encounter the same test. One group of students sail through the test with no distress at all while the second group suffers intensely. What makes the difference? Rabbi Arush gives us critical advice to weather our current crises. 

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