We're all in the midst of making New Year resolutions, asking Hashem to help us improve. Where do we start? One area will not only please Hashem, but please each other as well…
Rosh Hashanah
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Inspire Others!
What gift can we give to our King, Hashem, when everything is His? When we strengthen the emuna in another’s soul to make him an appropriate vessel to accept Hashem's sovereignty, this is considered truly a gift for Hashem.
You Are Important!
Your prayers and your teshuva are precious to our Father in heaven! Yes, YOURS!! Do not think that you are “too far gone” to be able to turn your life around, or that your teshuva would not be accepted. Read the Kalever Rebbe’s inspirational encouragement...
Don’t Wait Until the Last Minute
Teshuva is not just for Rosh Hashanah! Rebbe Nachman emphasizes daily hitbodedut (personal prayer) because one's entire teshuva depends on self-examination. Following the tzaddik and being connected to him means doing daily hitbodedut and teshuva.
Our Daily Bread
We are entering the Yamim Nora’im, The Days of Awe. We are now like full-grown wheat that is ready for harvest. Our job is to remove the chaff within ourselves and, through a teshuva process, become like fine flour.
The Work of Rosh Hashanah
Rabbi Arush’s latest teachings totally change our work on Rosh Hashanah! A judgement for the entire next year is serious business, but it doesn’t have to be scary. Let's get to work!
A Year Full of Joy
Rosh Hashanah is the Day of Judgment. In one moment, our fate for the next year is decided. Rabbi Arush explains how can one be happy on such a serious occasion.
A Year of Hope and Optimism
In our current troubles, it seems that baseless hatred is becoming more widespread and toxic. Although it’s easy to be pessimistic about the upcoming year, there are powerful reasons to believe that redemption is imminent.
Rosh Hashanah Recipes
Celebrate the new year and a new beginning with these delicious recipes from Jamie Geller's kitchen.
A Winning Defense Strategy
Elul ... Rosh Hashanah ... teshuvah ... judgment... Who doesn't have inner resistance to taking stock of his life? After all, I have so many deficiencies and so many failures. Rabbi Arush gives a sure-fire solution to winning a positive judgment!
Why Uman?
Sometimes it takes years for a person to realize the profound influence that Rosh Hashanah in Uman has for his service of Hashem and his understanding of Rebbe Nachman's teachings.
A Sermon From the Creator Himself
We are approaching the Day of Judgment when we will promise (again) to improve. Let's listen to Hashem's advice on how to succeed in really changing!
Key to a Good Year
On Rosh Hashanah, we imagine all the incredible and grandiose things we will accomplish spiritually in the year ahead. However, many times, these dreams remain as ambitions and never evolve into actions. The Kalever Rebbe explains how to avoid that mistake.
Time for Torah
There is always another distraction, another reason why you just can’t make the Torah class, another item to buy which takes your time from learning Torah to earning more money…
A Head and Not a Tail
The lesson we can learn from this special request customarily recited on Rosh Hashanah is one particularly suited for our generation…
Hope to Hashem
Even though the tests get more difficult and the trials more demanding, never give up hope, let the battle cry of the Shofar remind you to keep going!
A Clean Slate
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we close out the books for the old year, and start new books for the coming year, so that we start the year with a clean slate.