Jews all around the world are facing unprecedented dangers. Jews outside of Israel face waves of antisemitism while Jews in Eretz Yisrael face outright extermination. Both dangers are existential. King David faced such threats throughout his life – what advice would he give us today?
Have you ever gotten to the end of the Amida (Shemonah Esrei) and wondered if you really did recite all the blessings, or if you just mechanically turned the pages? If yes, this article is for you!
During the Seder, we are commanded to feel that we were personally liberated from Egypt. This takes real effort over time - how can we feel liberated when we're in such chaotic times?
Many people who live outside of Israel have come to volunteer time and expertiseduring the war. Volunteering made them participants rather than spectators. What can those who cannot make the trip do to help?
It’s easy to think that the current situation is so grim that my puny simple prayers are almost worthless. Not so! Your prayers are combined with the heartfelt prayer of millions of other Jews, both dead and alive. Believe in the power of your prayers!
In our current troubles, it seems that baseless hatred is becoming more widespread and toxic. Although it’s easy to be pessimistic about the upcoming year, there are powerful reasons to believe that redemption is imminent.
Our main work during SefiratHa’Omer in preparation for receiving the Torah is to improve interpersonal relationships. It's important toset aside time for prayer for Am Yisrael and to do acts of kindness. How can we energize ourselves to do that when we already have a packed daily schedule?
The famous writer, Norman Cousins, had been diagnosed with a terminal illness and given only a few months to live. How did he manage to live another happy and healthy 20 years?
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