Every Jew is a tiny part of a united spiritual being called Israel. This explains why we often meet people that we feel we have known forever after one minute of small talk...
It is so easy to be introspective upon the bad we do, the mistakes we make, the misgivings we have. Yet how many of us do any introspection upon our good points?
“I mean, Hashem, it’s like me asking my seven-year-old to cook the entire Shabbat meal from scratch by himself, AND clean up afterwards, only to punish him for not doing the job properly! Who would ask their child to do such a thing, and then punish him for not carrying it out to perfection?!”
Yehudit's farewell letter to Jerusalem before she moves to a different area in Israel. Jerusalem presented Yehudit with a most precious parting gift - The gift of mourning Jerusalem's destruction.
When we're down, we can remind ourselves that we are true pearls. And when we're feeling spiritually gratified, we can remember that we are still so close to our murky origins...
Since our children are mirrors of our relationship with G-d, it slowly dawned on me that I was looking at a painfully candid replica of my own Avodat Hashem...
Casually or socially religious doesn’t work anymore, especially with people who have been given high-level souls; it’s scary not to have Hashem in your life...
Some people never graduate from kindergarten-level emuna. Others drop the innocence of kindergarten emuna and become smug and sophisticated. What’s the happy medium?
Rebbe Nachman didn’t preach; he said that people would only be brought close to G-d in a way that they were unaware of, subtly, without the feeling of indoctrination...
I’m pretty sure the rest of the world didn’t notice anything. So how did a hair-obsessed female go from funky to frum (religious) in the flick of a ponytail?
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