Congratulations! You’ve just won the jackpot!! Read on to see how to cash in your valuable prize...
Congratulations! You’ve just won the jackpot!! Read on to see how to cash in your valuable prize...
On Purim we give charity to the poor. We have no idea of the power of charity. Read a true story of what resulted by giving to a destitute person...
Date of passing: 7-Adar. Moshe was one of the greatest leaders of all history! Prayers on this day are especially powerful. Due to the crises in Eretz Yisrael and the dangers facing am Yisrael, Rabbi Arush asks everyone to devote extra time in prayer today.
Amalek grows within the spiritual void left by our own intellectual doubt. Doubt can go a long way to clear one's conscience to "free" the person from being morally responsible…
Congratulations! You’ve just won the jackpot!! Read on to see how to cash in your valuable prize...
For a year, my rabbit Milo sat on a balcony and ate. He didn’t do much of anything until we set him free. After he was released, he hopped higher and moved faster than I’d ever seen him. It’s amazing what someone can do when they are in the right place!
Parents, do you want your children to be good, to do good for others, and to light up the world with goodness and blessing and life and holiness? Read on for the secret of the Mishkan (Tabernacle) and the secret of all child education!
When you have the opportunity to do some small mitzvah, the biggest weapon the Satan yields against you is four words: "It’s no big deal". Perhaps you feel that your actions are insignificant. However, Hashem gives us the deal of a lifetime when we resist temptation.
Congratulations! You’ve just won the jackpot!! Read on to see how to cash in your valuable prize...
For a year, my rabbit Milo sat on a balcony and ate. He didn’t do much of anything until we set him free. After he was released, he hopped higher and moved faster than I’d ever seen him. It’s amazing what someone can do when they are in the right place!
Today there are yeshivas and kollels in a vibrant Jewish world. There are many baalei teshuva and people who are increasing their mitzvah observance – but where is the Geula? What more can we do to witness the Geula? What’s missing?
Parents, everything begins with your belief in yourselves! Do not forget that you are tzaddikim and that Hashem loves you and is proud of you and appreciates you! This is what you should pass on to your children, thus giving them the ability to keep all the Torah and mitzvot and be good and truly succeed in life.
Parents, do you want your children to be good, to do good for others, and to light up the world with goodness and blessing and life and holiness? Read on for the secret of the Mishkan (Tabernacle) and the secret of all child education!
Let's stop focusing on all the craziness and instead look at the endless salvations and good that happen to each of us and to the Jewish People. There is much that is good! The final redemption depends on our learning to sing and give thanks!
Date of Passing: 9-Av. Rabbi Yaacov Yitzchak HaLevi Horowitz, the Chozeh of Lublin, is one of the truly beloved figures of Chassidism. He merited the cognomen of Chozeh...
Uncover the harrowing tale of inflammatory rhetoric leading to an assassination attempt on President Trump. Explore how hateful words have incited violence for 2,000 years.
Congratulations! You’ve just won the jackpot!! Read on to see how to cash in your valuable prize...
Parents, do you want your children to be good, to do good for others, and to light up the world with goodness and blessing and life and holiness? Read on for the secret of the Mishkan (Tabernacle) and the secret of all child education!
Parents, everything begins with your belief in yourselves! Do not forget that you are tzaddikim and that Hashem loves you and is proud of you and appreciates you! This is what you should pass on to your children, thus giving them the ability to keep all the Torah and mitzvot and be good and truly succeed in life.
A lot of Jews ask themselves, "What is Judaism? Is it a people or a religion? Is it a reason to schlep to synagogue twice a year?
The word "vayikra" "He called," from the root kra, to call, indicates that God wished to speak to Moshe and purposely called to him...
When the chassid heard his Rebbe's words, he felt as if the ground had been pulled out from under his feet and that he had suddenly been cast out...
Do you want to have an impact on your family and those around you that reverberates long after you leave the world? Not only is it possible, it's essential!
Hashem is only GOOD and things are getting BETTER AND BETTER.
Daily inspiration on WhatsappDate of passing: 19-Adar. Rebbe Nachman honored the women of his family. Due to his mother's great spiritual merits, the Rebbe asked that we refer to him as “Nachman Ben Feige.”
Sometimes it takes years for a person to realize the profound influence that Rosh Hashanah in Uman has for his service of Hashem and for his understanding of Rebbe Nachman's teachings.
We all want to improve something in our lives - now, with no effort, and with guaranteed results. Amazingly, such a pathway to self-improvement does exist! Read Rabbi Arush's amazing solution...
Let’s make the next Uman pilgrimage start from Uman and end, once and for all, inside the Holy City, in our Holy Land, with our Holy Rebbe.
"Mitzvah" - (pl. "Mitzvot"); a Command of G-d. There are several types, including the following...
Start of the Year; The "Day of Judgment" for all individuals and for all nations. One of the Mitzvot, or Commandments associated with this holiday is the blowing of the Shofar...
The Book of Psalms, one of the Books of the "TANAKH," or the Bible. It is a collection of songs of praise to the Creator, songs that arise from the soul of a person...
A righteous man (for the female equivalent, see "Tzidkanit") - based on the Hebrew word "Tzedek," or Justice. The Jewish hero is not the swashbuckling warrior...
Parents, do you want your children to be good, to do good for others, and to light up the world with goodness and blessing and life and holiness? Read on for the secret of the Mishkan (Tabernacle) and the secret of all child education!
Parents, everything begins with your belief in yourselves! Do not forget that you are tzaddikim and that Hashem loves you and is proud of you and appreciates you! This is what you should pass on to your children, thus giving them the ability to keep all the Torah and mitzvot and be good and truly succeed in life.
Every moment, we are progressing in life. We are passing points along our journey that we will never see again. The question always is: Did we use our time wisely, or did we let these moments pass us by?
The difference between observant and secular Jews is very apparent when you look at the relationship between parents and children. Aging parents can easily be seen as a “burden” and “behind the times”. The Torah approach can be seen from Yosef’s attention to his father Yaakov...