Amalek grows within the spiritual void left by our own intellectual doubt. Doubt can go a long way to clear one's conscience to "free" the person from being morally responsible…
Holidays and Fast Days
Featured Articles
Passover is coming soon, and expenses are mounting. Rabbi Arush tells us of an ATM that supplies money to whoever sticks his hand in the machine! If you're interested in this ATM, read on...
Articles by Sub-Category
Shouldn’t progress in science, education, and equal rights promote a peaceful and harmonious society? Yet, we often see just the opposite! The Kalever Rebbe explains the advantage and beauty of Torah wisdom over secular wisdom.
When a person knows how much Hashem loves him and he feels this love, he’s willing to do much more for Hashem and His honor. Nothing awakens one’s heart to teshuva and to closeness to Hashem more than thanking Him.
The Zohar predicted that the darkness of Hellenism would return in the days before Mashiach. How clearly we can see the darkness of assimilation in our day! The Kalever Rebbe explains how to drive out our personal darkness.
A Jew who wants to truly live his Jewishness relies on the guidance of tzaddikim in every aspect of life. They awaken within each Jew the awareness of the holiness of his Judaism that gives meaning to his existence.
Holocaust Day
In honor of Veterans’ Day in the US on 11-Nov. There are hero stories and there are "Kiddush Hashem" stories, but the unprecedented true story of Major General Sidney Shachnow, ob"m, combines both and tops them all…
Holocaust Remembrance Day is 18-April. It's so difficult to see suffering! How can we look "through it" to see the greater good that will be born from it?
My girlfriend told that one of the hardest things about being raised by Holocaust survivors was that nothing she ever went through evoked much sympathy…
HOLOCAUST DAY is 21-Apr. If the guard was especially cruel, he won a visit to the camp brothel, made up of women inmates who were given more food...
Lag B'Omer
What is our main goal on Lag B’Omer? What should we be thinking during the celebrations? What is the day’s message? Rabbi Arush gives us clear guidance...
What Rabbi Arush recently revealed about Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai is important for every one of us, including some important updates on Mashiach and the Geula!
Why is it such a big deal to go to Meron on Lag b'Omer? Why is it important to rejoice with the tzaddik?
We do not forget for even a moment the great disaster that took place on Lag B’Omer 2021. The first step towards the tikkun of man is the tikkun of speech. He who corrects his speech can correct all his character traits.