Hashem is indeed looking out for us during these times of uncertainty and upheaval. Read the true story of how a retiree managed during a severe national downturn...
Aging and Retirement
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Every moment, we are progressing in life. We are passing points along our journey that we will never see again. The question always is: Did we use our time wisely, or did we let these moments pass us by?
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We Are Not Monkeys!
The difference between observant and secular Jews is very apparent when you look at the relationship between parents and children. Aging parents can easily be seen as a “burden” and “behind the times”. The Torah approach can be seen from Yosef’s attention to his father Yaakov...
Growing Old Gracefully
We're older now and have adult children. Perhaps they look at us as as old-fashioned, not with-it, and unable to keep up with the pace of life and the latest technology. How do we interpret this? What is our role now?
Going Home
There are seven other seniors in the van, all members of the local center for the memory-impaired. I am the escort who makes sure everyone arrives home safely…
Chayei Sarah: Stay Young
Age is not about our physical age, but rather, about our mindset. As Rebbe Nachman said, “It is forbidden to be old!”
What’s an Old Lady Doing Here?
I needed to redefine my identity in terms of my mission to the Jewish people, rather than in terms of a career-oriented profession. My “golden years” are not for kicking off my shoes, putting my feet up, and enjoying a relaxed life!
Moment of Clarity
Recently I visited my son and his family. My four-year-old granddaughter, Hadassa Shira, sat on my lap and gazed at me intently. “Bubby, are you a hundred years old?"
For Elders’ Sake
There is often one adult child who takes over the lion's share of caring for an elderly parent. Often, it's the child who lives closest or who doesn't work full-time…
Old and Ornery
Living longer does not magically cure personality defects. Lusty young guys who never grow up inevitably become dirty old men. Traits like jealousy, greed and pessimism do not go away by themselves. A young bully becomes an old bully…
Behind the Curtain
Trusting Hashem is easy when our lives are ticking along nicely, when everyone is healthy and the kids are doing fine. When money isn't a problem and our marriages feels good…It's a different story when taking care of ill, elderly parents.
Growing Up Together
No other person in life will provide you with so many opportunities for personal growth, not even your kids! After they leave home, you'll still be there with that one person...
My Golden Years
I am gradually becoming a senior citizen and it's not what I expected; I had some misconceptions about getting older, a few preconceived ideas...
Intimate Connections
Here are some great suggestions from our spiritual leaders that help us invoke more Divine protection in our lives; we all need it…
Aging in Dignity
Old people invariably worry about Social Security and pension plans. They should be worried about reaching a ripe old age in true dignity and purity, with a clean mind and with unblemished personal holiness.
The Invisible Guest
Dad, after the heart attack, the intensive care and the gruelling resuscitation, all of a sudden looked remarkably well. He was even smiling. What was he seeing?
Don’t Say You’re Too Old!
Before Martin changed his lifestyle, he never thought of Hashem, but Hashem thought of him. He asked, "Why was Hashem here for me when I wasn't here for Him?"
Ultimately we will be reunited with all of our loved ones. There will be a great resurrection of souls. Everyone will return to healed and perfected bodies...