Even though the Zohar says that there are sins for which there is no tikkun (rectification), Rebbe Nachman revealed the awesome Tikkun Klali, which can repair everything!
Breslev Customs
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What does Breslev stands for? What is Breslever Chassidut are all about? All the answers are here in Rabbi Yitzchak Breiter’s classic compilation of the Breslever Daily Agenda.
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Feige the Prophetess
Date of passing: 19-Adar. Rebbe Nachman honored the women of his family. Due to his mother's great spiritual merits, the Rebbe asked that we refer to him as “Nachman Ben Feige.”
Clothes and Considerations
Clothes exert a tremendous influence on a person; therefore, one must be careful to have the right considerations when choosing clothes; what are they?
Wings in Learning
Rebbe Nachman wanted us to understand our learning, but he did not want us to get bogged down if we don't understand a word. Continue learning and move forward…
Rebbe Nachman’s Agenda
Prayer protects a person so that his Torah learning won't lead to arrogance or sophistication. Therefore, before learning Torah, one must pray profusely...
BTs, Breslev, and Brainwash
You'd be hard-pressed to find a baal teshuva (newly observant Jew, or "BT") who hasn't been accused of being 'brainwashed' at some point in their life...
Breslever or Faker? Relating to Customs Properly
The woman started muscling her way in to Rebbe Nachman's gravesite, shoving the other women aside...and did she ever yell, like a pack of demons in the Ukraine night...
The Real Breslev Chassidut
You should know something about real Torah, and real Breslev chassidut, and that is that it only and always promotes peace, harmony, love and humility...
Focusing on Me
Many things are done in the name of "Breslev", but they're frequently far away or even total opposites of Rebbe Nachman's true teachings. Be careful...
The Power of Tikkun Chatzot
A person in this world is constantly being robbed of his dearest possessions - inner peace and tranquility. But there's a way to recover them from the thief - Tikkun Chatzot.
The Amazing Tikkun Klali
It's the real deal! Shai Mor in New Jersey has been telling everyone how he has seen amazing salvations in everyday challenges from reading Tikkun HaKlali.
Kabbalah and Witchcraft
Do we learn Kabbala and pray with “kavanos”, the inner intent and meanings of Hashem’s Name, or not? What did Rebbe Nachman want us to do?
The Guiding Light
How should we mourn the passing of a tzaddik? By being sad and depressed? Rebbe Natan shows us how to observe the 18th of Tishrei, Rebbe Nachman’s Yahrtzeit…
The Breslever Daily Agenda, Part 3
“Hafatza” – spreading Rebbe Nachman’s teachings around the globe – is our central task in the epoch of Mashiach. Every home deserves a taste the sweetness of Breslev...
The Breslever Daily Agenda, Part 2
Breslever Chassidim are early risers. They are also devoted Torah learners who speak to Hashem every single day, as we see in part two of the Breslever Daily Agenda.
Myrtle in the Wilderness
Rebbe Nachman especially loved his daughter Sarki (nickname for Sarah), whom he called a “myrtle in the wilderness with a pleasant fragrance.”
Women in Breslev
Rebbe Nachman admired the unique spiritual talents and sensitivities of women, making sure that his daughters were well educated in various areas of Torah.