2000% Return

His financial situation was super tight, but he decided anyway to donate to Chut shel Chessed. Then, he got a letter in the mail…

2 min

Breslev Israel staff

Posted on 16.06.24

This man called into our office a few weeks after he made a donation. Here is the inspiring story: 


I am a lawyer. I deal with small claims, but I also learn Torah during my mornings. I also used to trade stocks in America, but I lost a huge amount of money on my investments. My financial situation became more and more unstable, and in the last few months of lock-downs, it is literally getting worse by the day. 


What I want to share with you though, is the incredible investment that I made last month. It seems like a very small investment, but for my financial situation, it was very hard to make the final decision. 


I decided to donate 300 shekel to Rabbi Arush’s Institutions,  Chut  shel  Chessed, during the month of Tishrei 5781 (October 2020). 


A few days ago, at the beginning of Cheshvan (early November 2020), I got a letter in the mail from Bituach Leumi (Israeli National Insurance), saying that they had just credited my account – right after I made the donation! – in the amount of 6,169 shekel!  


I was not expecting this sum, and it wasn’t in my plans. During this difficult period of time, such a sum was exactly what I needed, needless to say. 


Rabbi Arush promises that someone who donates and supports his institutions (which includes donations through his website, Breslev Israel), will receive 20 times back on his donation!  


Hashem gave me the special merit to see this with my own eyes! 300 shekel x 20 = 6,000 shekel. Hashem even gave me a little extra to cover the maaser (10% tithe) on the new income, plus some! A truly secure investment, with returns in less than a month! 


I don’t have anything to say except thank you Chut  shel  Chessed Institutions, and thank you, Rabbi Shalom Arush shlita!” 


Translated from the weekly Chut shel Chessed newsletter in Hebrew. All the details are in our system, including the receipt for the original donation. 

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