While it might take a long, long while to forgive and let go of the past, it is clearly worth it. Life is not life when you’re harboring negative feelings toward anyone.
This, by the way, is something that we pray that all Jews should merit – complete repentance, especially in the mitzvot between man and his fellow.
2. Dr Alex Pister
Such beautiful, wise, accurate, deep words of wisdom. I have found nothing more liberating than when I decided to never ever be involved in fighting. Just letting go of all conflict. Instead I bless my opponents constantly. I wish them the best of all blessings, their prayers to be answered, long lives, great success financially, familial success and anything else that’s good!! I refuse to bear grudges or to attempt to take revenge. Sounds impossible?? Actually the opposite. This frees me from the prison of anger and all other negative emotions. I highly recommend it. It also happens to be the way Hashem wants us to live.
I can “second” what Dr. Pister wrote!
While it might take a long, long while to forgive and let go of the past, it is clearly worth it. Life is not life when you’re harboring negative feelings toward anyone.
This, by the way, is something that we pray that all Jews should merit – complete repentance, especially in the mitzvot between man and his fellow.
Such beautiful, wise, accurate, deep words of wisdom. I have found nothing more liberating than when I decided to never ever be involved in fighting. Just letting go of all conflict. Instead I bless my opponents constantly. I wish them the best of all blessings, their prayers to be answered, long lives, great success financially, familial success and anything else that’s good!! I refuse to bear grudges or to attempt to take revenge. Sounds impossible?? Actually the opposite. This frees me from the prison of anger and all other negative emotions. I highly recommend it. It also happens to be the way Hashem wants us to live.