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Guest Rabbi

A guest rabbi always has something new to offer that the local rabbi does not, even if the community is blessed with a rabbi who is a tremendous Torah scholar.

Are You Stuck?

Do you ever feel that you're stuck and you'll never get out? Realize that failure is an obstacle and not an end result! Read on for amazing encouragement...

The Merciless

We still have the Erev Rav with us, but today, they can be born into the best families and be the most frum-looking people you'd ever care to meet...

The Israeli Lupine

A gorgeous native wildflower of the Land of Israel, the Lupine was Rebbe Shimon bar Yochai's amazing tool that he used to purify ancient Tiberius…

Beyond Logic

Emuna enables us to see the inherent gifts and blessings within the most painful and trying situations, that is, if we put our sorely limited intellects aside…