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Takeoff Power

During a lecture in Ashdod for newly observant Israelis, I asked the participants to tell me the hardest things they ever did…

Get a Life

Time isn’t money – time is LIFE and life is precious because it is limited by definition. Don’t let it slip through your fingers!

Dirty Old Men

When we understand the teachings of Rebbe Nachman, we understand how politics, the media, and entertainment are full of licentiousness and insanity…

The Strong Comeback

If a person maintains his joy in life, his setbacks will be short and minor and his ability to recover will be so strong that his setbacks will turn into triumphs...

My Poor Kedusha

Here's a song for us women that would be a befitting anthem for the Shovevim weeks, when we're all trying to get stronger in personal holiness and to get closer to Hashem.

Brit and Bond

Many people think that to rectify and atone for past sins they need to be sad. The opposite is true:  The first thing a person must do in seeking personal holiness is to work on being happy and optimistic at all times.