Date of Passing: 4-Shevat. The Baba Sali is legendary to Moroccan Jews and is known as the "Praying Father" of that community. He was regarded as having Ruach Hakodesh.
Rabbinic Leaders
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Date of Passing: 2-Shevat. Reb Zusha was a disciple of Rabbi Dovber of Mezritch; famed for his simple ways, self-effacement, and uncompromising love of his fellow Jew.
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Rabbi Avraham Yeshaya Karelitz – Chazon Ish
Date of Passing: 15-Cheshvan. The Chazon Ish devoted his life to the study of Torah, although he also learned astronomy, anatomy, and mathematics, since...
Yaakov Yisrael Kanievsky – The Steipler
Date of Passing: 23-Av. The Steipler's magnum opus was the "Kehilas Yaakov" containing his unique analysis of most of the tractates and concepts of the Talmud.
Reb Yaakov Yitzchak – The Chozeh of Lublin
Date of Passing: 9-Av. Rabbi Yaacov Yitzchak HaLevi Horowitz, the Chozeh of Lublin, is one of the truly beloved figures of Chassidism. He merited the cognomen of Chozeh...
Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson
Date of Passing: 3-Tammuz. The seventh leader in the Chabad-Lubavitch dynasty is considered to have been the most phenomenal Jewish personality of modern times. "The Rebbe" is undoubtedly the one individual more than any other singularly responsible for stirring the conscience and spiritual awakening of world Jewry.
Chacham Yosef Chaim – The Ben Ish Chai
Date of Passing: 13-Elul. Chacham Yosef was born in 1832 in Baghdad where his father was the Rabbi. The title Chacham (wise man) is commonly used among...
Rabbi Isaiah Halevi Horowitz (The Shlah)
Date of Passing: 11-Nissan. Known as the Shlah after the title of one of his major works "Shnei Luchos Ha-Bris", was a halachist, kabbalist, and communal leader. The Shlah's Prayer for Children is a powerful tefillah to raise righteous offspring.
Rabbi Gershon Edelstein
Date of Passing: 10-Sivan. R’ Gershon Edelstein was the leader of the Haredi Litvish community, head of the Ponevezh Yeshiva, and spiritual guide of the United Torah Judaism party.
Rabbi Yitzchak Kaduri
Date of Passing: 28-Tevet. He is considered the last of the great Sephardi Kabbalists.
Rebbe Natan’s Tip for Success
There are so many sublime ways and teachings of tremendous tzaddikim - how do we know which to use in any particular situation? Rebbe Natan gives us a tip for life!
Rabbi Eliyahu – Vilna Gaon, HaGra
Date of Passing: 19-Tishrei. Rabbi Eliyahu, known as HaGra, was the foremost scholar of Lithuanian Jewry in the 18th century, and has become the spiritual...
Rabbi Yisrael Baal Shem Tov
The holy Baal Shem Tov departed from this world on Shavuot 5769 (1750). He is the father of the Chassidic movement and great-grandfather of Rebbe Nachman…
HaRav HaGaon Chaim Kanievsky
Date of Passing: 15-Adar. R’ Kanievsky was the leader of the Haredi community world-wide, yet he was recognized as one who loved all of Am Yisrael. May he continue to be an advocate for each Jew and for the Jewish nation from his place in Shamayim!
Remembering Rebbetzin Shaindel Moscowitz
Date of Passing: 14-Adar. Such a mentor, guide, and friend! Rebbetzin Moscowitz never hesitated to focus on the good, the victories, and the aspects one could build on instead of the flaws. She always had so much to share on every topic.
Rebbe Natan – Our Transformer
Date of passing: 10-Tevet. The “power-plant” tzaddik’s illumination is much too powerful for the average person. For that, we need a “transformer” like Rebbe Natan of Breslev, of blessed memory…
Rebbe Natan Says -Gems of Wisdom
In honor of Rebbe Natan's date of passing on the Tenth of Tevet, here are a few priceless gems of his wisdom, which enlighten our path in the darkness.
Meet Rabbi Arush
Meet Rabbi Shalom Arush, founder of Chut shel Chessed Institutions, and learn about his amazing story!