Velvet Linings

The more we experience acute difficulties in life, the more we need to strengthen our emuna that everything is for the best and the more we need to thank Hashem...

3 min

Rabbi Shalom Arush

Posted on 30.04.24

The Yetzer Hara, the evil inclination, does its best to make a person forget  Hashem and all of Hashem’s magnificent loving-kindnesses. When having difficulties, people forget the good. They not only forget Hashem, but they forget to thank Him as well. This is all the doing of the evil inclination.
There’s no such thing as a person in this world without challenges – big ones at that. That’s an integral part of our go-around on this earth. No one is exempt. So why are you crying? Why are you whining? King David thanked a Hashem in the most dire circumstances. How would you react if you were king and your own son revolted against you? “Hashem, is this fair? Hashem, how can my own son rise up against me after all I’ve done for him. Hashem, how can You let this happen?”
And that wasn’t the only one of the many weighty problems that King David had from the time he was born until his last day on earth.
No, King David didn’t react with complaints to Hashem – just the opposite. Psalm 3 is testimony, “A song of praise by David, as he fled Absalom his son.” Mizmor L’David – a mizmor is a song of praise. As King David is being chased out of Jerusalem by his rebellious son, he sings, “You, Hashem are a shield for me, the One who uplifts my head” (Psalm 3:4). No wonder that King David was soon reinstated! He thanked Hashem for everything – for the worst calamities – for he knew in his complete emuna that everything Hashem does is for the very best always, with no exception.
People think that their troubles come from some source other than Hashem. They’re mistaken! There is no one but Hashem! The apparent causes are only agents or symptoms, but they all come from Hashem. Since everything comes from Hashem, and Hashem is only good doing everything for the best and particularly for our ultimate benefit, we should be thanking Him! Not only should we be thanking Him, but we should be singing songs of thanks and praise. But what’s the problem? People don’t believe that everything is for the best! If they’d only thank Hashem, they’d see miraculous salvations. So the more we experience acute difficulties in life, the more we need to strengthen our emuna that everything is for the best and the more we need to thank Hashem.
Everyone will tell you that they believe, that they have emuna. But how many people whom you know can truly thank Hashem when they’re experiencing severe difficulties in life? Being able to thank Hashem anytime, anywhere or under any circumstance is what’s called true emuna, not just lip service. Our emuna is tested when we’re being challenged, not when we’re drinking a chocolate milk-shake. See how a person reacts when he’s being insulted; see how a person reacts when things aren’t going his way. That’s the true gauge of their emuna.
Exile and diaspora are a result of crying, whining and complaining. But redemption will be the result of emuna and gratitude. Say “Thank You, Hashem” and watch how the gates of salvation surround you. Look around you this moment – see how many reasons we have to thank Hashem. Hashem, thank You for the oxygen we breathe. Hashem, thank You for our lungs, which are now functioning fine. Hashem, thank You for each heartbeat. Hashem, thank You for the clothes on my back, for my eyesight, for my kidneys, for the roof over my head, for my two hands and ten fingers. People take things for granted so they don’t say “thank You, Hashem.” Why wait to be threatened with losing something before learning to appreciate it?
Don’t stutter and don’t hesitate – in one breath, say “Hashem, thank You for doing everything for my very best, for my ultimate benefit.” Look at the world with emuna and your life will be paradise on earth. Without emuna, life is purgatory. We can choose between emuna or Gehennom; with emuna there’s no Gehennom…
Sure, the Jewish People are having a rough time. The wars and the terror never end. But our tribulations also show us how Hashem personally protects us, always.
Always look for the velvet lining in the dark cloud – it’s there! There’s always good that we have to thank Hashem for; if we open our eyes, we’ll see it. And, once we begin to thank Hashem, He’ll give us many more reasons to thank Him, including Mashiach and our rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem, speedily in our days, amen!

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