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1. Gabriel Russo-Fabian


A question on this article.


1, When the Zohar says whom cling to his Brit Mila and guards it, is it someone whom has Never ever broke it before marriage and even during marriage, Or will it consider those whom broke it though have done not only teshuva but also the Tikun (Bereshit taman). This question is based on (once something is broke it will never go back to its original state) as the hilchot Teshuva states, Teshuva done correctly will be AS IF it never happened. Comparing a brand new porcelain to a brand new porcelain with a chip in it which has more value?


2, In berich shemay, we ask for male sons, so to have sons that Trully worship HaShem or HaShem finds delight in their mitvot and so on, so is the Zohar also referring to them specifically?


3, The walking dead- there are people (orthodox as well) whom Learn tora, pray and so on. Though they are considered dead in the eyes of HaShem, and also people whom don’t naturally have a yetzer with his Brit for any reason- does this count him as well.


Best regards

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