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1. Tamar Becker


Instead of focusing on whom to hate (even if permitted), why not focus on praying that those folks do teshuvah so that the question becomes irrelevant?


Commit to 30 minutes of prayer for all of Am Yisrael to do teshuva, especially in the area of man-and-his-fellow. Send your name and mother's name to and he'll forward it to Rabbi Arush.

2. Tamar Becker


Your question is one that many people ask.


In Rabbi Arush's Q&A in English with Moshe Gersht, Harav was asked to comment about many people's belief that there is "justified hatred" – a permitted reason to hate someone.


I think this is what you're asking…is there justification to hate those who publicly flaunt Torah values and laws? I recommend that you listen to Harav's answer.

3. Thomas (Avishai) Brooks


The Human Soul is a tiny part of HaShem, so at the level of your Soul, you are perfect. He loves EVERY Creature He makes, but what humans call love is really affection based on Egoistic approval. It is at this level that the Soul "corrections" must take place. The Ego is not a real thing, but we identify with concepts we believe to be actualities. Don’t try to “become” perfect, but LET the perfection BE, and love all. There are no evil people, only evil actions.

4. mike


i’m also confused with whom we are allowed to love.


are we allowed to love in this case wicked people like lefty liberals enemies of G-D gays and antisemites and others wicked people?? or we should only love good people followers of G-D??


please could someone tell me….

5. Thomas (Avishai) Brooks


There is an old saying, that "the word is not the thing", and a similar one that says "the map is not the territory". For example, I know what an orange is, but no matter how hard I focus on the thought of an orange, I cannot eat my concept, it's not an actual orange. Or, I can stand on a map of the world, one foot on Kentucky and the other stepping over to Israel but that step doesn't put me in actual Israel. We identify with knowledge,and so never can understand Actuality, or, what IS.

6. Esther


I read your Comment twice and feel like I'm missing something.


I don't understand the statement "Truth is 'What IS' … we must watch it without judgment". Watch what without judgment? The only thing I can think of is that you're saying we should watch current events without judgment.


What CONCEPT are you referring to?



7. Thomas (Avishai) Brooks


In order for us to learn to love each other (read everyone) we must cease to believe that we, and only we, are right in our opinions. We must cease to believe that "Truth" is identical with verbal accuracy. No, Truth is "What IS", and to understand "What IS", we must watch it without judgement. There is no Tzaddik who can tell us Truth in a way that communicates it to us…nobody can say "I know, listen to me". All is ONE, so the only true Tzaddik is HaShem…the Living G-d, NOT A CONCEPT.

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