Você pode começar a aprender sobre as Sete Leis de Noé através de nosso trabalho. Procure pelo nosso site http://sitebneinoachprojetonoaismo.info/, inclusive pesquisando também Bnei Noach para iniciantes.
Tudo de bom!
2. Nilton Magalhães
Bom dia,
Eu tenho uma Torá e um Tanah em casa e as leio sempre.
Eu mereço a morte?
Sei que não preciso cumprir as 613 mitzvot, mas também não sei como estudar as 7 leis de Ben noach.
Sou um não judeu e ex cristão.
Como faço para estudar as 7 mitzvot corretamente?
3. Breslev Israel Staff (Yehudit)
Hi Anna,
Thank you for your question!
The quote “A heathen who studies the Torah deserves death” is attributed to Rabbi Yohanan in Sanhedrin 59a of the Talmud. To see an English translation, click here. Rabbi Yohanan explains why – The Torah is the inheritance of the Jews (“congregation of Jacob”), not of the non-Jews. This is the same reason that non-Jews are prohibited from fully keeping Shabbat. Both the Torah and Shabbat are a sign that the Jews have a relationship with Hashem that is unique from all other people.
That being said, the non-Jew is encouraged to study the parts of the Torah that pertain to Bnei Noach. Likewise, the non-Jew is encourage to make the Sabbath a special day, but not to observe all Shabbat halachot (laws).
4. Anna
Why does Ramban say “A gentile who studies the Torah is obligated to die. They should only be involved in the study of their seven mitzvot.” This cannot be correct.
5. livro segredo de cleópatra
Your site is very good, I liked the information. Grateful. 56720648
Shalom Nilton Magalhães!
Você pode começar a aprender sobre as Sete Leis de Noé através de nosso trabalho. Procure pelo nosso site http://sitebneinoachprojetonoaismo.info/, inclusive pesquisando também Bnei Noach para iniciantes.
Tudo de bom!
Bom dia,
Eu tenho uma Torá e um Tanah em casa e as leio sempre.
Eu mereço a morte?
Sei que não preciso cumprir as 613 mitzvot, mas também não sei como estudar as 7 leis de Ben noach.
Sou um não judeu e ex cristão.
Como faço para estudar as 7 mitzvot corretamente?
Hi Anna,
Thank you for your question!
The quote “A heathen who studies the Torah deserves death” is attributed to Rabbi Yohanan in Sanhedrin 59a of the Talmud. To see an English translation, click here. Rabbi Yohanan explains why – The Torah is the inheritance of the Jews (“congregation of Jacob”), not of the non-Jews. This is the same reason that non-Jews are prohibited from fully keeping Shabbat. Both the Torah and Shabbat are a sign that the Jews have a relationship with Hashem that is unique from all other people.
That being said, the non-Jew is encouraged to study the parts of the Torah that pertain to Bnei Noach. Likewise, the non-Jew is encourage to make the Sabbath a special day, but not to observe all Shabbat halachot (laws).
Why does Ramban say “A gentile who studies the Torah is obligated to die. They should only be involved in the study of their seven mitzvot.” This cannot be correct.
Your site is very good, I liked the information. Grateful. 56720648