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Always Happy

How can a person accept the bad things in their lives with the same joy they feel when good things happen? Even if we intellectually understand the concept, can we control our emotions to the point of not being sad? 

Simchat Torah for Our Martyrs

On Simchat Torah, Hashem reminded us that those who celebrate and follow His Torah are protected. What can we do for those who were killed on that day while celebrating a licentious event? A LOT!

The Greatest Return 

Investments, risks, returns, net worth... Can one be a venture capitalist with Hashem? YES! And setting up a relationship with Hashem is a sure bet! 

Vacation Challenges

There is a special purpose in doing all the mitzvot wherever you spend vacation. Many vacation destinations serve a purpose in avodat Hashem by raising sparks of holiness found there.

Guest Rabbi

A guest rabbi always has something new to offer that the local rabbi does not, even if the community is blessed with a rabbi who is a tremendous Torah scholar.

The Arrival at Har Sinai

Contrary to logic, one who learns Torah full-time is not a “taker” who lives off the community. For the world to exist and for the Torah to be sustained, there must be a partnership between those who study Torah and those who work. 

The Power of Selfless Charity

A proven method of finding salvation from your troubles is to give tzeddakah (charity). The Kalever Rebbe explains how tzeddakah and "You shall love your neighbor as yourself" bring salvation, measure for measure.

Giving is Living 

As we progress through the three weeks of mourning for the destruction of the Holy Temple and our extended exile, let’s remember that the cause is baseless hatred. This can only be remedied by fostering love of Yisrael, both within ourselves and others.

You Can Take it With You

Every decision we make can impact our limited physical and material existence. Likewise, it can also leave an eternal mark on our spiritual state. How can we maximize both?

Remember What’s Important

In the final days before Shavuot, let's internalize the unique purpose of a Jew's life. When we accepted Torah on Mount Sinai and became Hashem's people, we were set aside from the other nations.