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The Key to Everything

Does anyone still think that advances in science, philosophy, and education will bring an age of freedom and peace, or that senseless violence will become a relic of the past? The Kalever Rebbe explains why not... 

Mindfulness – Part 5

We lose today when we use our time and our talents for something that has no true purpose. It takes us out of today, but all we truly have are the blessings of today.

You are a Masterpiece

Whenever I tell people how fantastic they are, they often shrug and say, "Rabbi Lazer, you're just trying to make me feel good." No, I'm not; it's the truth – here's proof…

The Hijacker

The hijacker wants every moment of your time, getting you hooked on likes, comments, and shares while filling your life with games, pictures, arguments, and sheer nonsense…

Who Am I?

We are not our profession, job, or title. We are not our bodies. We are not our garments. We are not our physical appearance. We are not what other people think of us…

Wailing for Watermelon

With the generation of the desert, it was a choice between the Divine Presence and a watermelon or a golden calf. Today, the evil inclination is much more sophisticated…

The Time Has Come

There were always the select few who climbed the ladder of holiness, but since the time of redemption has now come, Hashem wants us all to sanctify ourselves...